Name Report For First Name ORIK:


First name ORIK's origin is English. ORIK means "from the ancient oak tree". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with ORIK below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of orik.(Brown names are of the same origin (English) with ORIK and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with ORIK - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming ORIK


dorika noriko

NAMES RHYMING WITH ORİK (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (rik) - Names That Ends with rik:

erik frederik ulrik tarik adrik adalrik alarik aldrik alhrik alrik arik aurik baldrik bardarik brik broderik brodrik caddarik catterik cynerik cynrik dedrik edrik henrik kendrik kenrik meldrik orrik osrik rodrik wolfrik yerik ruodrik varik derik derrik roderik

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (ik) - Names That Ends with ik:

menelik rafik wathik abdul-malik malik eznik otik pepik reznik tomik itzik azmik ahmik ashvik chadwik dominik koushik ludwik megedagik sedgewik selik stanwik ulvelaik wattik nik

NAMES RHYMING WITH ORİK (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (ori) - Names That Begins with ori:

ori oria oriana orianna orick oriel orin orino orion oris orithyia

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (or) - Names That Begins with or:

ora orabel orabelle orah orahamm oralee orali oralie oram oran orane oratun orbart orbert ord ordalf ordella ordland ordman ordmund ordsone ordwald ordway ordwin ordwine ordwyn orea oreias orelia oren orenda oreste orestes orford orghlaith orguelleuse orham orla orlaith orlaithe orlan orland orlando orlee orlege orlena orlene orlin orlina orlondo orman ormazd ormeman ormemund ormod ormond ormund ornah orneet ornet ornetta ornette oro orpah orpheus orquidea orquidia orran orren orri orrick orrin orsen orson orthros orton ortun ortygia ortzi orva orval orvelle orvil orville orvin orvyn orwald orwel orzora


First Names which starts with 'o' and ends with 'k':

osck osrick

English Words Rhyming ORIK


florikennoun (n.) An Indian bustard (Otis aurita). The Bengal floriken is Sypheotides Bengalensis.

lorikeetnoun (n.) Any one numerous species of small brush-tongued parrots or lories, found mostly in Australia, New Guinea and the adjacent islands, with some forms in the East Indies. They are arboreal in their habits and feed largely upon the honey of flowers. They belong to Trichoglossus, Loriculus, and several allied genera.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH ORİK (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (rik) - English Words That Ends with rik:

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH ORİK (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (ori) - Words That Begins with ori:

oricalchenoun (n.) See Orichalch.

orichalceousadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, orichalch; having a color or luster like that of brass.

orichalchnoun (n.) A metallic substance, resembling gold in color, but inferior in value; a mixed metal of the ancients, resembling brass; -- called also aurichalcum, orichalcum, etc.

orielnoun (n.) A gallery for minstrels.
 noun (n.) A small apartment next a hall, where certain persons were accustomed to dine; a sort of recess.
 noun (n.) A bay window. See Bay window.

oriencynoun (n.) Brightness or strength of color.

orientnoun (n.) The part of the horizon where the sun first appears in the morning; the east.
 noun (n.) The countries of Asia or the East.
 noun (n.) A pearl of great luster.
 adjective (a.) Rising, as the sun.
 adjective (a.) Eastern; oriental.
 adjective (a.) Bright; lustrous; superior; pure; perfect; pellucid; -- used of gems and also figuratively, because the most perfect jewels are found in the East.
 verb (v. t.) To define the position of, in relation to the orient or east; hence, to ascertain the bearings of.
 verb (v. t.) Fig.: To correct or set right by recurring to first principles; to arrange in order; to orientate.
 verb (v. t.) Same as Orientate, 2.
 verb (v. t.) To place (a map or chart) so that its east side, north side, etc., lie toward the corresponding parts of the horizon;
 verb (v. t.) to rotate (a map attached to a plane table) until the line of direction between any two of its points is parallel to the corresponding direction in nature.

orientalnoun (n.) A native or inhabitant of the Orient or some Eastern part of the world; an Asiatic.
 noun (n.) Eastern Christians of the Greek rite.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the orient or east; eastern; concerned with the East or Orientalism; -- opposed to occidental; as, Oriental countries.

orientalismnoun (n.) Any system, doctrine, custom, expression, etc., peculiar to Oriental people.
 noun (n.) Knowledge or use of Oriental languages, history, literature, etc.

orientalistnoun (n.) An inhabitant of the Eastern parts of the world; an Oriental.
 noun (n.) One versed in Eastern languages, literature, etc.; as, the Paris Congress of Orientalists.

orientalitynoun (n.) The quality or state of being oriental or eastern.

orientalizingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Orientalize

orientatingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Orientate

orientationnoun (n.) The act or process of orientating; determination of the points of the compass, or the east point, in taking bearings.
 noun (n.) The tendency of a revolving body, when suspended in a certain way, to bring the axis of rotation into parallelism with the earth's axis.
 noun (n.) An aspect or fronting to the east; especially (Arch.), the placing of a church so that the chancel, containing the altar toward which the congregation fronts in worship, will be on the east end.
 noun (n.) Fig.: A return to first principles; an orderly arrangement.

orientnessnoun (n.) The quality or state of being orient or bright; splendor.

orificenoun (n.) A mouth or aperture, as of a tube, pipe, etc.; an opening; as, the orifice of an artery or vein; the orifice of a wound.

oriflambnoun (n.) Alt. of Oriflamme

oriflammenoun (n.) The ancient royal standard of France.
 noun (n.) A standard or ensign, in battle.

origannoun (n.) Alt. of Origanum

origanumnoun (n.) A genus of aromatic labiate plants, including the sweet marjoram (O. Marjorana) and the wild marjoram (O. vulgare).

origenismnoun (n.) The opinions of Origen of Alexandria, who lived in the 3d century, one of the most learned of the Greek Fathers. Prominent in his teaching was the doctrine that all created beings, including Satan, will ultimately be saved.

origenistnoun (n.) A follower of Origen of Alexandria.

originnoun (n.) The first existence or beginning of anything; the birth.
 noun (n.) That from which anything primarily proceeds; the fountain; the spring; the cause; the occasion.
 noun (n.) The point of attachment or end of a muscle which is fixed during contraction; -- in contradistinction to insertion.

originableadjective (a.) Capable of being originated.

originalnoun (n.) Origin; commencement; source.
 noun (n.) That which precedes all others of its class; archetype; first copy; hence, an original work of art, manuscript, text, and the like, as distinguished from a copy, translation, etc.
 noun (n.) An original thinker or writer; an originator.
 noun (n.) A person of marked eccentricity.
 noun (n.) The natural or wild species from which a domesticated or cultivated variety has been derived; as, the wolf is thought by some to be the original of the dog, the blackthorn the original of the plum.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to the origin or beginning; preceding all others; first in order; primitive; primary; pristine; as, the original state of man; the original laws of a country; the original inventor of a process.
 adjective (a.) Not copied, imitated, or translated; new; fresh; genuine; as, an original thought; an original process; the original text of Scripture.
 adjective (a.) Having the power to suggest new thoughts or combinations of thought; inventive; as, an original genius.
 adjective (a.) Before unused or unknown; new; as, a book full of original matter.

originalistnoun (n.) One who is original.

originalitynoun (n.) The quality or state of being original.

originalnessnoun (n.) The quality of being original; originality.

originantadjective (a.) Originating; original.

originaryadjective (a.) Causing existence; productive.
 adjective (a.) Primitive; primary; original.

originatingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Originate

originationnoun (n.) The act or process of bringing or coming into existence; first production.
 noun (n.) Mode of production, or bringing into being.

originativeadjective (a.) Having power, or tending, to originate, or bring into existence; originating.

originatornoun (n.) One who originates.

orillonnoun (n.) A semicircular projection made at the shoulder of a bastion for the purpose of covering the retired flank, -- found in old fortresses.

oriolnoun (n.) See Oriel.

oriolenoun (n.) Any one of various species of Old World singing birds of the family Oriolidae. They are usually conspicuously colored with yellow and black. The European or golden oriole (Oriolus galbula, or O. oriolus) has a very musical flutelike note.
 noun (n.) In America, any one of several species of the genus Icterus, belonging to the family Icteridae. See Baltimore oriole, and Orchard oriole, under Orchard.

orionnoun (n.) A large and bright constellation on the equator, between the stars Aldebaran and Sirius. It contains a remarkable nebula visible to the naked eye.

oriskanyadjective (a.) Designating, or pertaining to, certain beds, chiefly limestone, characteristic of the latest period of the Silurian age.

orismologicaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to orismology.

orismologynoun (n.) That departament of natural history which treats of technical terms.

orisonnoun (n.) A prayer; a supplication.

orisontnoun (n.) Horizon.


English Words which starts with 'o' and ends with 'k':

oaknoun (n.) Any tree or shrub of the genus Quercus. The oaks have alternate leaves, often variously lobed, and staminate flowers in catkins. The fruit is a smooth nut, called an acorn, which is more or less inclosed in a scaly involucre called the cup or cupule. There are now recognized about three hundred species, of which nearly fifty occur in the United States, the rest in Europe, Asia, and the other parts of North America, a very few barely reaching the northern parts of South America and Africa. Many of the oaks form forest trees of grand proportions and live many centuries. The wood is usually hard and tough, and provided with conspicuous medullary rays, forming the silver grain.
 noun (n.) The strong wood or timber of the oak.

oarlocknoun (n.) The notch, fork, or other device on the gunwale of a boat, in which the oar rests in rowing. See Rowlock.

obelisknoun (n.) An upright, four-sided pillar, gradually tapering as it rises, and terminating in a pyramid called pyramidion. It is ordinarily monolithic. Egyptian obelisks are commonly covered with hieroglyphic writing from top to bottom.
 noun (n.) A mark of reference; -- called also dagger [/]. See Dagger, n., 2.
 verb (v. t.) To mark or designate with an obelisk.

obroknoun (n.) A rent.
 noun (n.) A poll tax paid by peasants absent from their lord's estate.

ooknoun (n.) Oak.

oomiaknoun (n.) A long, broad boat used by the Eskimos.

oopacknoun (n.) Alt. of Oopak

oopaknoun (n.) A kind of black tea.

openworknoun (n.) Anything so constructed or manufactured (in needlework, carpentry, metal work, etc.) as to show openings through its substance; work that is perforated or pierced.
 noun (n.) A quarry; an open cut.

orknoun (n.) See Orc.

outbreaknoun (n.) A bursting forth; eruption; insurrection.

outlooknoun (n.) The act of looking out; watch.
 noun (n.) One who looks out; also, the place from which one looks out; a watchower.
 noun (n.) The view obtained by one looking out; scope of vision; prospect; sight; appearance.
 verb (v. t.) To face down; to outstare.
 verb (v. t.) To inspect throughly; to select.

outworknoun (n.) A minor defense constructed beyond the main body of a work, as a ravelin, lunette, hornwork, etc.
 verb (v. t.) To exceed in working; to work more or faster than.

overrankadjective (a.) Too rank or luxuriant.

overstocknoun (n.) Stock in excess.
 verb (v. t.) To fill too full; to supply in excess; as, to overstock a market with goods, or a farm with cattle.

overweakadjective (a.) Too weak; too feeble.

overworknoun (n.) Work in excess of the usual or stipulated time or quantity; extra work; also, excessive labor.
 verb (v. t.) To work beyond the strength; to cause to labor too much or too long; to tire excessively; as, to overwork a horse.
 verb (v. t.) To fill too full of work; to crowd with labor.
 verb (v. t.) To decorate all over.
 verb (v. t.) To work too much, or beyond one's strength.