First Names Rhyming ERIK
English Words Rhyming ERIK
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH ERİK (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (rik) - English Words That Ends with rik:
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH ERİK (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (eri) - Words That Begins with eri:
eriach | noun (n.) Alt. of Eric |
eric | noun (n.) A recompense formerly given by a murderer to the relatives of the murdered person. |
erica | noun (n.) A genus of shrubby plants, including the heaths, many of them producing beautiful flowers. |
ericaceous | adjective (a.) Belonging to the Heath family, or resembling plants of that family; consisting of heats. |
ericinol | noun (n.) A colorless oil (quickly becoming brown), with a pleasant odor, obtained by the decomposition of ericolin. |
ericius | noun (n.) The Vulgate rendering of the Hebrew word qip/d, which in the "Authorized Version" is translated bittern, and in the Revised Version, porcupine. |
ericolin | noun (n.) A glucoside found in the bearberry (and others of the Ericaceae), and extracted as a bitter, yellow, amorphous mass. |
eridanus | noun (n.) A long, winding constellation extending southward from Taurus and containing the bright star Achernar. |
erigible | adjective (a.) Capable of being erected. |
erin | noun (n.) An early, and now a poetic, name of Ireland. |
erinaceous | adjective (a.) Of the Hedgehog family; like, or characteristic of, a hedgehog. |
eringo | noun (n.) The sea holly. See Eryngo. |
erinite | noun (n.) A hydrous arseniate of copper, of an emerald-green color; -- so called from Erin, or Ireland, where it occurs. |
erinys | noun (n.) An avenging deity; one of the Furies; sometimes, conscience personified. |
eriometer | noun (n.) An instrument for measuring the diameters of minute particles or fibers, from the size of the colored rings produced by the diffraction of the light in which the objects are viewed. |
eristalis | noun (n.) A genus of dipterous insects whose young (called rat-tailed larvae) are remarkable for their long tapering tail, which spiracles at the tip, and for their ability to live in very impure and salt waters; -- also called drone fly. |
eristic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Eristical |
eristical | adjective (a.) Controversial. |
English Words which starts with 'e' and ends with 'k':
earlduck | noun (n.) The red-breasted merganser (Merganser serrator). |
earlock | noun (n.) A lock or curl of hair near the ear; a lovelock. See Lovelock. |
earmark | noun (n.) A mark on the ear of sheep, oxen, dogs, etc., as by cropping or slitting. |
| noun (n.) A mark for identification; a distinguishing mark. |
| verb (v. t.) To mark, as sheep, by cropping or slitting the ear. |
earpick | noun (n.) An instrument for removing wax from the ear. |
earthbank | noun (n.) A bank or mound of earth. |
earthfork | noun (n.) A pronged fork for turning up the earth. |
earthshock | noun (n.) An earthquake. |
earthwork | noun (n.) Any construction, whether a temporary breastwork or permanent fortification, for attack or defense, the material of which is chiefly earth. |
| noun (n.) The operation connected with excavations and embankments of earth in preparing foundations of buildings, in constructing canals, railroads, etc. |
| noun (n.) An embankment or construction made of earth. |
eelbuck | noun (n.) An eelpot or eel basket. |
elflock | noun (n.) Hair matted, or twisted into a knot, as if by elves. |
elk | noun (n.) A large deer, of several species. The European elk (Alces machlis or Cervus alces) is closely allied to the American moose. The American elk, or wapiti (Cervus Canadensis), is closely related to the European stag. See Moose, and Wapiti. |
| noun (n.) Alt. of Elke |
ellachick | noun (n.) A fresh-water tortoise (Chelopus marmoratus) of California; -- used as food. |
elleck | noun (n.) The red gurnard or cuckoo fish. |
eyestalk | noun (n.) One of the movable peduncles which, in the decapod Crustacea, bear the eyes at the tip. |
eyewink | noun (n.) A wink; a token. |