Name Report For First Name SANI:


First name SANI's origin is Native American. SANI means "the old one (navajo)". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with SANI below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of sani.(Brown names are of the same origin (Native American) with SANI and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with SANI - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming SANI


shimasani husani funsani hasani saniiro saniyah

NAMES RHYMING WITH SANƯ (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ani) - Names That Ends with ani:

armani marjani shani amani ha'ani ailani aolani kailani kalani kani keilani lani lokelani miliani nani noelani okelani devayani dharani indrani ishani kerani rudrani varunani yolihuani chumani mani mathani barrani rabbani hani bomani khalfani makalani sekani tsekani jani makani alani ani bethani britani brittani bryani dani dyani estefani imani jayani kawailani kiani lyani milani nalani suhani ajani damani honani jelani leilani rani zani tapani tani moyolehuani

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (ni) - Names That Ends with ni:

muthoni nini oni aini cuini nalini bhikkhuni dakini shakini kuni keezheekoni tiponi maskini ohini poni tumaini keoni tlazohtlaloni angeni anni aponi bonni brioni brittni cianni daivini danni denni eboni eleni fanni jayni jeni jenni jinni

NAMES RHYMING WITH SANƯ (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (san) - Names That Begins with san:

sana' sanaa sanayah sanborn sanbourne sancha sancho sancia sanda sander sanders sanderson sandhya sandi sandon sandor sandra sandrine sandu sandy sanersone sanford sang sanjna sankalp sanora sanson santiago santon santos sanura sanuye sanya

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (sa) - Names That Begins with sa:

sa'eed sa'id saa saad saada saadya saarah saba sabah sabana sabeeh sabeer saber sabih sabina sabino sabir sabirah sabiya sabola sabra sabria sabrina saburo sachi sachiko sachin sachio sacripant sadaka sadaqat sadbh sadeek sadek sadhbba sadhbh sadie sadiki sadio sadiq sadira sadler sae saebeorht saebroc saeger saelac saelig saewald saeweard safa saffi saffire safford safia safin safiwah safiy safiya safiyeh safiyyah safwan sagar sage saghir sagira sagirah


First Names which starts with 's' and ends with 'i':

sakari sakeri salali sami sarai sarohildi sati satordi satyavati savitari sceaplei sciiti scilti seiji sekai serafi serhi serpuhi severi sevti sewati shadi shai sharni shashi shasti shelbi sherri shideezhi shini shiri shiriki shri shulami sicheii sinai sirpuhi sisi siti sitsi sittichai siwili stanwi subhi sucki sudi sukari suki sukori sukriti sumi sunki syrai

English Words Rhyming SANI


basanitenoun (n.) Lydian stone, or black jasper, a variety of siliceous or flinty slate, of a grayish or bluish black color. It is employed to test the purity of gold, the amount of alloy being indicated by the color left on the stone when rubbed by the metal.

chrysanilinenoun (n.) A yellow substance obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of rosaniline. It dyes silk a fine golden-yellow color.

disanimatingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Disanimate

disanimationnoun (n.) Privation of life.
 noun (n.) The state of being disanimated or discouraged; depression of spirits.

disensanitynoun (n.) Insanity; folly.

gossaniferousadjective (a.) Containing or producing gossan.

insanienoun (n.) Insanity.

insanitaryadjective (a.) Not sanitary; unhealthy; as, insanitary conditions of drainage.

insanitationnoun (n.) Lack of sanitation; careless or dangerous hygienic conditions.

insanitynoun (n.) The state of being insane; unsoundness or derangement of mind; madness; lunacy.
 noun (n.) Such a mental condition, as, either from the existence of delusions, or from incapacity to distinguish between right and wrong, with regard to any matter under action, does away with individual responsibility.

rosanilinenoun (n.) A complex nitrogenous base, C20H21N3O, obtained by oxidizing a mixture of aniline and toluidine, as a colorless crystalline substance which forms red salts. These salts are essential components of many of the socalled aniline dyes, as fuchsine, aniline red, etc. By extension, any one of the series of substances derived from, or related to, rosaniline proper.

saniclenoun (n.) Any plant of the umbelliferous genus Sanicula, reputed to have healing powers.

sanidinenoun (n.) A variety of orthoclase feldspar common in certain eruptive rocks, as trachyte; -- called also glassy feldspar.

saniesnoun (n.) A thin, serous fluid commonly discharged from ulcers or foul wounds.

saniousadjective (a.) Pertaining to sanies, or partaking of its nature and appearance; thin and serous, with a slight bloody tinge; as, the sanious matter of an ulcer.
 adjective (a.) Discharging sanies; as, a sanious ulcer.

sanitariannoun (n.) An advocate of sanitary measures; one especially interested or versed in sanitary measures.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to health, or the laws of health; sanitary.

sanitaristnoun (n.) A sanitarian.

sanitariumnoun (n.) A health station or retreat; a sanatorium.

sanitaryadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to health; designed to secure or preserve health; relating to the preservation or restoration of health; hygienic; as, sanitary regulations. See the Note under Sanatory.

sanitationnoun (n.) The act of rendering sanitary; the science of sanitary conditions; the preservation of health; the use of sanitary measures; hygiene.

sanitynoun (n.) The condition or quality of being sane; soundness of health of body or mind, especially of the mind; saneness.

transanimatingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Transanimate

transanimationnoun (n.) The conveyance of a soul from one body to another.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH SANƯ (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ani) - English Words That Ends with ani:

aninoun (n.) Alt. of Ano

brahmaninoun (n.) Any Brahman woman.

decaniadjective (a.) Used of the side of the choir on which the dean's stall is placed; decanal; -- correlative to cantoris; as, the decanal, or decani, side.

frangipaninoun (n.) Alt. of Frangipanni

hernaninoun (n.) A thin silk or woolen goods, for women's dresses, woven in various styles and colors.

hindustaninoun (n.) The language of Hindostan; the name given by Europeans to the most generally spoken of the modern Aryan languages of India. It is Hindi with the addition of Persian and Arabic words.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Hindoos or their language.

jamdaninoun (n.) A silk fabric, with a woven pattern of sprigs of flowers.

kahaninoun (n.) A kind of notary public, or attorney, in the Levant.

raninoun (n.) A queen or princess; the wife of a rajah.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH SANƯ (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (san) - Words That Begins with san:

sanabilitynoun (n.) The quality or state of being sanable; sanableness; curableness.

sanableadjective (a.) Capable of being healed or cured; susceptible of remedy.

sanablenessnoun (n.) The quality of being sanable.

sanationnoun (n.) The act of healing or curing.

sanativeadjective (a.) Having the power to cure or heal; healing; tending to heal; sanatory.

sanatoriumnoun (n.) An establishment for the treatment of the sick; a resort for invalids. See Sanitarium.

sanatoryadjective (a.) Conducive to health; tending to cure; healing; curative; sanative.

sanbenitonoun (n.) Anciently, a sackcloth coat worn by penitents on being reconciled to the church.
 noun (n.) A garnment or cap, or sometimes both, painted with flames, figures, etc., and worn by persons who had been examined by the Inquisition and were brought forth for punishment at the auto-da-fe.

sancte bellnoun (n.) See Sanctus bell, under Sanctus.

sanctificationnoun (n.) The act of sanctifying or making holy; the state of being sanctified or made holy;
 noun (n.) the act of God's grace by which the affections of men are purified, or alienated from sin and the world, and exalted to a supreme love to God; also, the state of being thus purified or sanctified.
 noun (n.) The act of consecrating, or of setting apart for a sacred purpose; consecration.

sanctifiedadjective (a.) Made holy; also, made to have the air of sanctity; sanctimonious.
  (imp. & p. p.) of Sanctify

sanctifiernoun (n.) One who sanctifies, or makes holy; specifically, the Holy Spirit.

sanctifyingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Sanctify

sanctiloquentadjective (a.) Discoursing on heavenly or holy things, or in a holy manner.

sanctimonialadjective (a.) Sanctimonious.

sanctimoniousadjective (a.) Possessing sanctimony; holy; sacred; saintly.
 adjective (a.) Making a show of sanctity; affecting saintliness; hypocritically devout or pious.

sanctimonynoun (n.) Holiness; devoutness; scrupulous austerity; sanctity; especially, outward or artificial saintliness; assumed or pretended holiness; hypocritical devoutness.

sanctionnoun (n.) Solemn or ceremonious ratification; an official act of a superior by which he ratifies and gives validity to the act of some other person or body; establishment or furtherance of anything by giving authority to it; confirmation; approbation.
 noun (n.) Anything done or said to enforce the will, law, or authority of another; as, legal sanctions.
 verb (v. t.) To give sanction to; to ratify; to confirm; to approve.

sanctioningnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Sanction

sanctionaryadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or giving, sanction.

sanctitudenoun (n.) Holiness; sacredness; sanctity.

sanctitynoun (n.) The state or quality of being sacred or holy; holiness; saintliness; moral purity; godliness.
 noun (n.) Sacredness; solemnity; inviolability; religious binding force; as, the sanctity of an oath.
 noun (n.) A saint or holy being.

sanctuarynoun (n.) A sacred place; a consecrated spot; a holy and inviolable site.
 noun (n.) The most retired part of the temple at Jerusalem, called the Holy of Holies, in which was kept the ark of the covenant, and into which no person was permitted to enter except the high priest, and he only once a year, to intercede for the people; also, the most sacred part of the tabernacle; also, the temple at Jerusalem.
 noun (n.) The most sacred part of any religious building, esp. that part of a Christian church in which the altar is placed.
 noun (n.) A house consecrated to the worship of God; a place where divine service is performed; a church, temple, or other place of worship.
 noun (n.) A sacred and inviolable asylum; a place of refuge and protection; shelter; refuge; protection.

sanctumnoun (n.) A sacred place; hence, a place of retreat; a room reserved for personal use; as, an editor's sanctum.

sanctusnoun (n.) A part of the Mass, or, in Protestant churches, a part of the communion service, of which the first words in Latin are Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus [Holy, holy, holy]; -- called also Tersanctus.
 noun (n.) An anthem composed for these words.

sandnoun (n.) Fine particles of stone, esp. of siliceous stone, but not reduced to dust; comminuted stone in the form of loose grains, which are not coherent when wet.
 noun (n.) A single particle of such stone.
 noun (n.) The sand in the hourglass; hence, a moment or interval of time; the term or extent of one's life.
 noun (n.) Tracts of land consisting of sand, like the deserts of Arabia and Africa; also, extensive tracts of sand exposed by the ebb of the tide.
 noun (n.) Courage; pluck; grit.
 verb (v. t.) To sprinkle or cover with sand.
 verb (v. t.) To drive upon the sand.
 verb (v. t.) To bury (oysters) beneath drifting sand or mud.
 verb (v. t.) To mix with sand for purposes of fraud; as, to sand sugar.

sandingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Sand

sandalnoun (n.) Same as Sendal.
 noun (n.) Sandalwood.
 noun (n.) A kind of shoe consisting of a sole strapped to the foot; a protection for the foot, covering its lower surface, but not its upper.
 noun (n.) A kind of slipper.
 noun (n.) An overshoe with parallel openings across the instep.

sandaledadjective (a.) Wearing sandals.
 adjective (a.) Made like a sandal.

sandaliformadjective (a.) Shaped like a sandal or slipper.

sandalwoodnoun (n.) The highly perfumed yellowish heartwood of an East Indian and Polynesian tree (Santalum album), and of several other trees of the same genus, as the Hawaiian Santalum Freycinetianum and S. pyrularium, the Australian S. latifolium, etc. The name is extended to several other kinds of fragrant wood.
 noun (n.) Any tree of the genus Santalum, or a tree which yields sandalwood.
 noun (n.) The red wood of a kind of buckthorn, used in Russia for dyeing leather (Rhamnus Dahuricus).

sandarachnoun (n.) Alt. of Sandarac

sandaracnoun (n.) Realgar; red sulphide of arsenic.
 noun (n.) A white or yellow resin obtained from a Barbary tree (Callitris quadrivalvis or Thuya articulata), and pulverized for pounce; -- probably so called from a resemblance to the mineral.

sandbaggernoun (n.) An assaulter whose weapon is a sand bag. See Sand bag, under Sand.

sandedadjective (a.) Covered or sprinkled with sand; sandy; barren.
 adjective (a.) Marked with small spots; variegated with spots; speckled; of a sandy color, as a hound.
 adjective (a.) Short-sighted.
  (imp. & p. p.) of Sand

sandemaniannoun (n.) A follower of Robert Sandeman, a Scotch sectary of the eighteenth century. See Glassite.

sandemanianismnoun (n.) The faith or system of the Sandemanians.

sanderlingnoun (n.) A small gray and brown sandpiper (Calidris arenaria) very common on sandy beaches in America, Europe, and Asia. Called also curwillet, sand lark, stint, and ruddy plover.

sandersnoun (n.) An old name of sandalwood, now applied only to the red sandalwood. See under Sandalwood.

sandevernoun (n.) See Sandiver.

sandfishnoun (n.) A small marine fish of the Pacific coast of North America (Trichodon trichodon) which buries itself in the sand.

sandglassnoun (n.) An instrument for measuring time by the running of sand. See Hourglass.

sandhillernoun (n.) A nickname given to any "poor white" living in the pine woods which cover the sandy hills in Georgia and South Carolina.

sandinessnoun (n.) The quality or state of being sandy, or of being of a sandy color.

sandishadjective (a.) Approaching the nature of sand; loose; not compact.

sandivernoun (n.) A whitish substance which is cast up, as a scum, from the materials of glass in fusion, and, floating on the top, is skimmed off; -- called also glass gall.

sandixnoun (n.) A kind of minium, or red lead, made by calcining carbonate of lead, but inferior to true minium.

sandmannoun (n.) A mythical person who makes children sleepy, so that they rub their eyes as if there were sand in them.

sandneckernoun (n.) A European flounder (Hippoglossoides limandoides); -- called also rough dab, long fluke, sand fluke, and sand sucker.

sandpapernoun (n.) Paper covered on one side with sand glued fast, -- used for smoothing and polishing.
 verb (v. t.) To smooth or polish with sandpaper; as, to sandpaper a door.


English Words which starts with 's' and ends with 'i':

sahuinoun (n.) A marmoset.

sainoun (n.) See Capuchin, 3 (a).

sakinoun (n.) Any one of several species of South American monkeys of the genus Pithecia. They have large ears, and a long hairy tail which is not prehensile.
 noun (n.) The alcoholic drink of Japan. It is made from rice.

saktinoun (n.) The divine energy, personified as the wife of a deity (Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, etc.); the female principle.

salmagundinoun (n.) A mixture of chopped meat and pickled herring, with oil, vinegar, pepper, and onions.
 noun (n.) Hence, a mixture of various ingredients; an olio or medley; a potpourri; a miscellany.

salminoun (n.) Same as Salmis.

saraswatinoun (n.) The sakti or wife of Brahma; the Hindoo goddess of learning, music, and poetry.

sarcorhamphinoun (n. pl.) A division of raptorial birds comprising the vultures.

sarinoun (n.) Same as Saree.

scyphobranchiinoun (n. pl.) An order of fishes including the blennioid and gobioid fishes, and other related families.

scyphophorinoun (n. pl.) An order of fresh-water fishes inhabiting tropical Africa. They have rudimentary electrical organs on each side of the tail.

selachiinoun (n. pl.) An order of elasmobranchs including the sharks and rays; the Plagiostomi. Called also Selacha, Selache, and Selachoidei.

selachoideinoun (n. pl.) Same as Selachii.

selachostominoun (n. pl.) A division of ganoid fishes which includes the paddlefish, in which the mouth is armed with small teeth.

serainoun (n.) A palace; a seraglio; also, in the East, a place for the accommodation of travelers; a caravansary, or rest house.

shallinoun (n.) See Challis.

shanghainoun (n.) A large and tall breed of domestic fowl.
 verb (v. t.) To intoxicate and ship (a person) as a sailor while in this condition.

shikarinoun (n.) A sportsman; esp., a native hunter.

shooinoun (n.) The Richardson's skua (Stercorarius parasiticus);- so called from its cry.

siluroideinoun (n. pl.) An order of fishes, the Nematognathi.

simpainoun (n.) A long-tailed monkey (Semnopitchecus melalophus) native of Sumatra. It has a crest of black hair. The forehead and cheeks are fawn color, the upper parts tawny and red, the under parts white. Called also black-crested monkey, and sinpae.

sofinoun (n.) Same as Sufi.

solenostominoun (n. pl.) A tribe of lophobranch fishes having a tubular snout. The female carries the eggs in a ventral pouch.

solinoun (n.) pl. of Solo.
  (pl. ) of Solo

somalinoun (n.) Alt. of Somal

sondelinoun (n.) The musk shrew. See under Musk.

sophinoun (n.) See Sufi.

sorinoun (n.) pl. of Sorus.
  (pl. ) of Sorus

soulilinoun (n.) A long-tailed, crested Javan monkey (Semnopithecus mitratus). The head, the crest, and the upper surface of the tail, are black.

spaghettinoun (n.) A variety or macaroni made in tubes of small diameter.

spahinoun (n.) Alt. of Spahee

spermacetinoun (n.) A white waxy substance obtained from cavities in the head of the sperm whale, and used making candles, oilments, cosmetics, etc. It consists essentially of ethereal salts of palmitic acid with ethal and other hydrocarbon bases. The substance of spermaceti after the removal of certain impurities is sometimes called cetin.

squalinoun (n. pl.) The suborder of elasmobranch fishes which comprises the sharks.

sufinoun (n.) A title or surname of the king of Persia.
 noun (n.) One of a certain order of religious men in Persia.

sujinoun (n.) Indian wheat, granulated but not pulverized; a kind of semolina.

suradanninoun (n.) A valuable kind of wood obtained on the shores of the Demerara River in South America, much used for timbers, rails, naves and fellies of wheels, and the like.

symbranchiinoun (n. pl.) An order of slender eel-like fishes having the gill openings confluent beneath the neck. The pectoral arch is generally attached to the skull, and the entire margin of the upper jaw is formed by the premaxillary. Called also Symbranchia.

synentognathinoun (n. pl.) An order of fishes, resembling the Physoclisti, without spines in the dorsal, anal, and ventral fins. It includes the true flying fishes.

syngnathinoun (n. pl.) A suborder of lophobranch fishes which have an elongated snout and lack the ventral and first dorsal fins. The pipefishes and sea horses are examples.

samurainoun (n. pl. & sing.) In the former feudal system of Japan, the class or a member of the class, of military retainers of the daimios, constituting the gentry or lesser nobility. They possessed power of life and death over the commoners, and wore two swords as their distinguishing mark. Their special rights and privileges were abolished with the fall of feudalism in 1871.

sindinoun (n.) A native of Sind, India, esp. one of the native Hindoo stock.

skinoun (n.) Same as Skee.