Name Report For First Name JANI:


First name JANI's origin is Scandinavian. JANI means "finnish form of john (god is gracious)". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with JANI below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of jani.(Brown names are of the same origin (Scandinavian) with JANI and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with JANI - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming JANI


marjani anjanique janiah janice janicia janie janiece janina janine janis janise janita ajani

NAMES RHYMING WITH JANÝ (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ani) - Names That Ends with ani:

armani shani amani ha'ani ailani aolani kailani kalani kani keilani lani lokelani miliani nani noelani okelani devayani dharani indrani ishani kerani rudrani varunani yolihuani chumani shimasani husani mani mathani barrani rabbani hani bomani funsani hasani khalfani makalani sekani tsekani makani alani ani bethani britani brittani bryani dani dyani estefani imani jayani kawailani kiani lyani milani nalani suhani damani honani jelani leilani rani sani zani tapani tani moyolehuani

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (ni) - Names That Ends with ni:

muthoni nini oni aini cuini nalini bhikkhuni dakini shakini kuni keezheekoni tiponi maskini ohini poni tumaini keoni tlazohtlaloni angeni anni aponi bonni brioni brittni cianni daivini danni denni eboni eleni fanni jayni jeni

NAMES RHYMING WITH JANÝ (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (jan) - Names That Begins with jan:

jan jana janae janah janai janais janan janaya janaye jancsi jane janea janee janeen janell janella janelle janene janessa janet janetta janette janey janka jankia janko janna jannae janne jannes jannet janneth jannina jannis janos jans jansen jansje janson jantis jantje janus janyd janyl

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ja) - Names That Begins with ja:

jaakkina jaana jaantje jaap jabari jabbar jabin jabir jabulela jacalyn jacan jace jacee jacelyn jacen jacenta jacey jaci jacinda jacint jacinta jacintha jacinthe jacinto jacira jack jackeline jacki jackie jackleen jacklynn jackson jacky jaclyn jacob jacoba jacobe jacobo jacolin jacot jacqualine jacque jacqueleen jacquelin jacqueline jacquelyn jacquelyne jacquelynne jacquenetta jacquenette jacques jacqui jacy jacynth jada jadalynn


First Names which starts with 'j' and ends with 'i':

jafari jahi jai jaimi jami jarvi jayanti jayli jedi jenai jenci jendayi jenisei jenni jeoffroi jeremi jimi jimmi jinni jiri jodi joei joi joki joli jomei jonati joni jonni jooseppi jordi jori jozsi juci judi juri jussi

English Words Rhyming JANI


janissarynoun (n.) See Janizary.

janitornoun (n.) A door-keeper; a porter; one who has the care of a public building, or a building occupied for offices, suites of rooms, etc.

janitressnoun (n.) Alt. of Janitrix

janitrixnoun (n.) A female janitor.

janizarnoun (n.) A janizary.

janizarianadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the janizaries, or their government.

janizarynoun (n.) A soldier of a privileged military class, which formed the nucleus of the Turkish infantry, but was suppressed in 1826.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH JANÝ (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ani) - English Words That Ends with ani:

aninoun (n.) Alt. of Ano

brahmaninoun (n.) Any Brahman woman.

decaniadjective (a.) Used of the side of the choir on which the dean's stall is placed; decanal; -- correlative to cantoris; as, the decanal, or decani, side.

frangipaninoun (n.) Alt. of Frangipanni

hernaninoun (n.) A thin silk or woolen goods, for women's dresses, woven in various styles and colors.

hindustaninoun (n.) The language of Hindostan; the name given by Europeans to the most generally spoken of the modern Aryan languages of India. It is Hindi with the addition of Persian and Arabic words.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Hindoos or their language.

jamdaninoun (n.) A silk fabric, with a woven pattern of sprigs of flowers.

kahaninoun (n.) A kind of notary public, or attorney, in the Levant.

raninoun (n.) A queen or princess; the wife of a rajah.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH JANÝ (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (jan) - Words That Begins with jan:

jannoun (n.) One of intermediate order between angels and men.

janenoun (n.) A coin of Genoa; any small coin.
 noun (n.) A kind of twilled cotton cloth. See Jean.

janglingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Jangle
 noun (n.) Idle babbling; vain disputation.
 noun (n.) Wrangling; altercation.
 adjective (a.) Producing discordant sounds.

janglenoun (n.) Idle talk; prate; chatter; babble.
 noun (n.) Discordant sound; wrangling.
 verb (v. i.) To sound harshly or discordantly, as bells out of tune.
 verb (v. i.) To talk idly; to prate; to babble; to chatter; to gossip.
 verb (v. i.) To quarrel in words; to altercate; to wrangle.
 verb (v. t.) To cause to sound harshly or inharmoniously; to produce discordant sounds with.

janglernoun (n.) An idle talker; a babbler; a prater.
 noun (n.) A wrangling, noisy fellow.

jangleressnoun (n.) A female prater or babbler.

janglerynoun (n.) Jangling.

jankernoun (n.) A long pole on two wheels, used in hauling logs.

jansenismnoun (n.) The doctrine of Jansen regarding free will and divine grace.

jansenistnoun (n.) A follower of Cornelius Jansen, a Roman Catholic bishop of Ypres, in Flanders, in the 17th century, who taught certain doctrines denying free will and the possibility of resisting divine grace.

janthinanoun (n.) See Ianthina.

jantinessnoun (n.) See Jauntiness.

jantunoun (n.) A machine of great antiquity, used in Bengal for raising water to irrigate land.

jantyadjective (a.) See Jaunty.

januarynoun (n.) The first month of the year, containing thirty-one days.

janusnoun (n.) A Latin deity represented with two faces looking in opposite directions. Numa is said to have dedicated to Janus the covered passage at Rome, near the Forum, which is usually called the Temple of Janus. This passage was open in war and closed in peace.


English Words which starts with 'j' and ends with 'i':

jaborandinoun (n.) The native name of a South American rutaceous shrub (Pilocarpus pennatifolius). The leaves are used in medicine as an diaphoretic and sialogogue.

jaguarondinoun (n.) A South American wild cat (Felis jaguarondi), having a long, slim body and very short legs. Its color is grayish brown, varied with a blackish hue. It is arboreal in its habits and feeds mostly on birds.

jussinoun (n.) A delicate fiber, produced in the Philippine Islands from an unidentified plant, of which dresses, etc., are made.