First Names Rhyming SATURNIN
English Words Rhyming SATURNIN
saturnine | adjective (a.) Born under, or influenced by, the planet Saturn. |
| adjective (a.) Heavy; grave; gloomy; dull; -- the opposite of mercurial; as, a saturnine person or temper. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to lead; characterized by, or resembling, lead, which was formerly called Saturn. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH SATURNİN (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 7 Letters (aturnin) - English Words That Ends with aturnin:
Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (turnin) - English Words That Ends with turnin:
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (urnin) - English Words That Ends with urnin:
mavournin | noun (n.) Alt. of Mavourneen |
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (rnin) - English Words That Ends with rnin:
carnin | noun (n.) A white crystalline nitrogenous substance, found in extract of meat, and related to xanthin. |
cornin | noun (n.) A bitter principle obtained from dogwood (Cornus florida), as a white crystalline substance; -- called also cornic acid. |
| noun (n.) An extract from dogwood used as a febrifuge. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (nin) - English Words That Ends with nin:
albuminin | noun (n.) The substance of the cells which inclose the white of birds' eggs. |
anemonin | noun (n.) An acrid, poisonous, crystallizable substance, obtained from some species of anemone. |
anthocyanin | noun (n.) Same as Anthokyan. |
apocynin | noun (n.) A bitter principle obtained from the dogbane (Apocynum cannabinum). |
antivenin | noun (n.) The serum of blood rendered antitoxic to a venom by repeated injections of small doses of the venom. |
bryonin | noun (n.) A bitter principle obtained from the root of the bryony (Bryonia alba and B. dioica). It is a white, or slightly colored, substance, and is emetic and cathartic. |
creatinin | noun (n.) A white, crystalline, nitrogenous body closely related to creatin but more basic in its properties, formed from the latter by the action of acids, and occurring naturally in muscle tissue and in urine. |
cyanin | noun (n.) The blue coloring matter of flowers; -- called also anthokyan and anthocyanin. |
cydonin | noun (n.) A peculiar mucilaginous substance extracted from the seeds of the quince (Cydonia vulgaris), and regarded as a variety of amylose. |
daphnin | noun (n.) A dark green bitter resin extracted from the mezereon (Daphne mezereum) and regarded as the essential principle of the plant. |
| noun (n.) A white, crystalline, bitter substance, regarded as a glucoside, and extracted from Daphne mezereum and D. alpina. |
draconin | noun (n.) A red resin forming the essential basis of dragon's blood; -- called also dracin. |
eblanin | noun (n.) See Pyroxanthin. |
eugenin | noun (n.) A colorless, crystalline substance extracted from oil of cloves; -- called also clove camphor. |
glyconin | noun (n.) An emulsion of glycerin and the yolk of eggs, used as an ointment, as a vehicle for medicines, etc. |
guanin | noun (n.) A crystalline substance (C5H5N5O) contained in guano. It is also a constituent of the liver, pancreas, and other glands in mammals. |
haemacyanin | noun (n.) A substance found in the blood of the octopus, which gives to it its blue color. |
haemocyanin | noun (n.) Same as Haemacyanin. |
helenin | noun (n.) A neutral organic substance found in the root of the elecampane (Inula helenium), and extracted as a white crystalline or oily material, with a slightly bitter taste. |
kreatinin | noun (n.) See Creatinin. |
lichenin | noun (n.) A substance isomeric with starch, extracted from several species of moss and lichen, esp. from Iceland moss. |
lignin | noun (n.) A substance characterizing wood cells and differing from cellulose in its conduct with certain chemical reagents. |
limonin | noun (n.) A bitter, white, crystalline substance found in orange and lemon seeds. |
loanin | noun (n.) Alt. of Loaning |
lupinin | noun (n.) A glucoside found in the seeds of several species of lupine, and extracted as a yellowish white crystalline substance. |
mascagnin | noun (n.) Alt. of Mascagnite |
meconin | noun (n.) A substance regarded as an anhydride of meconinic acid, existing in opium and extracted as a white crystalline substance. Also erroneously called meconina, meconia, etc., as though it were an alkaloid. |
melanin | noun (n.) A black pigment found in the pigment-bearing cells of the skin (particularly in the skin of the negro), in the epithelial cells of the external layer of the retina (then called fuscin), in the outer layer of the choroid, and elsewhere. It is supposed to be derived from the decomposition of hemoglobin. |
oxyhaemacyanin | noun (n.) Alt. of Oxyhaemocyanin |
oxyhaemocyanin | noun (n.) See Haemacyanin. |
parigenin | noun (n.) A curdy white substance, obtained by the decomposition of parillin. |
pentacrinin | noun (n.) A red and purple pigment found in certain crinoids of the genus Pentacrinus. |
peucedanin | noun (n.) A tasteless white crystalline substance, extracted from the roots of the sulphurwort (Peucedanum), masterwort (Imperatoria), and other related plants; -- called also imperatorin. |
phillygenin | noun (n.) A pearly crystalline substance obtained by the decomposition of phillyrin. |
phocenin | noun (n.) See Delphin. |
phycocyanin | noun (n.) Alt. of Phycocyanine |
phyllocyanin | noun (n.) A blue coloring matter extracted from chlorophyll. |
pollenin | noun (n.) A substance found in the pollen of certain plants. |
pyocyanin | noun (n.) A blue coloring matter found in the pus from old sores, supposed to be formed through the agency of a species of bacterium (Bacillus pyocyaneus). |
rennin | noun (n.) A milk-clotting enzyme obtained from the true stomach (abomasum) of a suckling calf. Mol. wt. about 31,000. Also called chymosin, rennase, and abomasal enzyme. |
ronin | noun (n.) In Japan, under the feudal system, a samurai who had renounced his clan or who had been discharged or ostracized and had become a wanderer without a lord; an outcast; an outlaw. |
safranin | noun (n.) An orange-red dyestuff extracted from the saffron. |
| noun (n.) A red dyestuff extracted from the safflower, and formerly used in dyeing wool, silk, and cotton pink and scarlet; -- called also Spanish red, China lake, and carthamin. |
| noun (n.) An orange-red dyestuff prepared from certain nitro compounds of creosol, and used as a substitute for the safflower dye. |
saligenin | noun (n.) A phenol alcohol obtained, by the decomposition of salicin, as a white crystalline substance; -- called also hydroxy-benzyl alcohol. |
santonin | noun (n.) A white crystalline substance having a bitter taste, extracted from the buds of levant wormseed and used as an anthelmintic. It occassions a peculiar temporary color blindness, causing objects to appear as if seen through a yellow glass. |
sapogenin | noun (n.) A white crystalline substance obtained by the decomposition of saponin. |
saponin | noun (n.) A poisonous glucoside found in many plants, as in the root of soapwort (Saponaria), in the bark of soap bark (Quillaia), etc. It is extracted as a white amorphous powder, which occasions a soapy lather in solution, and produces a local anaesthesia. Formerly called also struthiin, quillaiin, senegin, polygalic acid, etc. By extension, any one of a group of related bodies of which saponin proper is the type. |
syntonin | noun (n.) A proteid substance (acid albumin) formed from the albuminous matter of muscle by the action of dilute acids; -- formerly called musculin. See Acid albumin, under Albumin. |
tannin | noun (n.) Same as Tannic acid, under Tannic. |
tetanin | noun (n.) A poisonous base (ptomaine) formed in meat broth through the agency of a peculiar microbe from the wound of a person who has died of tetanus; -- so called because it produces tetanus as one of its prominent effects. |
uranin | noun (n.) An alkaline salt of fluorescein, obtained as a brownish red substance, which is used as a dye; -- so called from the peculiar yellowish green fluorescence (resembling that of uranium glass) of its solutions. See Fluorescein. |
vernonin | noun (n.) A glucoside extracted from the root of a South African plant of the genus Vernonia, as a deliquescent powder, and used as a mild heart tonic. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH SATURNİN (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 7 Letters (saturni) - Words That Begins with saturni:
saturnian | noun (n.) Any one of numerous species of large handsome moths belonging to Saturnia and allied genera. The luna moth, polyphemus, and promethea, are examples. They belong to the Silkworn family, and some are raised for their silk. See Polyphemus. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Saturn, whose age or reign, from the mildness and wisdom of his government, is called the golden age. |
| adjective (a.) Hence: Resembling the golden age; distinguished for peacefulness, happiness, contentment. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the planet Saturn; as, the Saturnian year. |
saturnicentric | adjective (a.) Appearing as if seen from the center of the planet Saturn; relating or referred to Saturn as a center. |
saturnism | noun (n.) Plumbism. |
saturnist | noun (n.) A person of a dull, grave, gloomy temperament. |
Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (saturn) - Words That Begins with saturn:
saturn | noun (n.) One of the elder and principal deities, the son of Coelus and Terra (Heaven and Earth), and the father of Jupiter. The corresponding Greek divinity was Kro`nos, later CHro`nos, Time. |
| noun (n.) One of the planets of the solar system, next in magnitude to Jupiter, but more remote from the sun. Its diameter is seventy thousand miles, its mean distance from the sun nearly eight hundred and eighty millions of miles, and its year, or periodical revolution round the sun, nearly twenty-nine years and a half. It is surrounded by a remarkable system of rings, and has eight satellites. |
| noun (n.) The metal lead. |
saturnalia | noun (n. pl.) The festival of Saturn, celebrated in December, originally during one day, but afterward during seven days, as a period of unrestrained license and merriment for all classes, extending even to the slaves. |
| noun (n. pl.) Hence: A period or occasion of general license, in which the passions or vices have riotous indulgence. |
saturnalian | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Saturnalia. |
| adjective (a.) Of unrestrained and intemperate jollity; riotously merry; dissolute. |
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (satur) - Words That Begins with satur:
saturable | adjective (a.) Capable of being saturated; admitting of saturation. |
saturant | noun (n.) A substance used to neutralize or saturate the affinity of another substance. |
| noun (n.) An antacid, as magnesia, used to correct acidity of the stomach. |
| adjective (a.) Impregnating to the full; saturating. |
saturating | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Saturate |
saturate | adjective (p. a.) Filled to repletion; saturated; soaked. |
| verb (v. t.) To cause to become completely penetrated, impregnated, or soaked; to fill fully; to sate. |
| verb (v. t.) To satisfy the affinity of; to cause to become inert by chemical combination with all that it can hold; as, to saturate phosphorus with chlorine. |
saturated | adjective (a.) Filled to repletion; holding by absorption, or in solution, all that is possible; as, saturated garments; a saturated solution of salt. |
| adjective (a.) Having its affinity satisfied; combined with all it can hold; -- said of certain atoms, radicals, or compounds; thus, methane is a saturated compound. Contrasted with unsaturated. |
| (imp. & p. p.) of Saturate |
saturation | noun (n.) The act of saturating, or the state of being saturating; complete penetration or impregnation. |
| noun (n.) The act, process, or result of saturating a substance, or of combining it to its fullest extent. |
| noun (n.) Freedom from mixture or dilution with white; purity; -- said of colors. |
saturator | noun (n.) One who, or that which, saturates. |
saturday | noun (n.) The seventh or last day of the week; the day following Friday and preceding Sunday. |
saturity | noun (n.) The state of being saturated; fullness of supply. |
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (satu) - Words That Begins with satu:
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (sat) - Words That Begins with sat:
satan | noun (n.) The grand adversary of man; the Devil, or Prince of darkness; the chief of the fallen angels; the archfiend. |
satanic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Satanical |
satanical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Satan; having the qualities of Satan; resembling Satan; extremely malicious or wicked; devilish; infernal. |
satanism | noun (n.) The evil and malicious disposition of Satan; a diabolical spirit. |
satanist | noun (n.) A very wicked person. |
satanophany | noun (n.) An incarnation of Satan; a being possessed by a demon. |
satchel | noun (n.) A little sack or bag for carrying papers, books, or small articles of wearing apparel; a hand bag. |
sating | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Sate |
sateen | noun (n.) A kind of dress goods made of cotton or woolen, with a glossy surface resembling satin. |
sateless | adjective (a.) Insatiable. |
satellite | noun (n.) An attendant attached to a prince or other powerful person; hence, an obsequious dependent. |
| noun (n.) A secondary planet which revolves about another planet; as, the moon is a satellite of the earth. See Solar system, under Solar. |
| adjective (a.) Situated near; accompanying; as, the satellite veins, those which accompany the arteries. |
satellitious | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or consisting of, satellites. |
satiate | adjective (a.) Filled to satiety; glutted; sated; -- followed by with or of. |
| verb (v. t.) To satisfy the appetite or desire of; to feed to the full; to furnish enjoyment to, to the extent of desire; to sate; as, to satiate appetite or sense. |
| verb (v. t.) To full beyond natural desire; to gratify to repletion or loathing; to surfeit; to glut. |
| verb (v. t.) To saturate. |
satiating | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Satiate |
satiation | noun (n.) Satiety. |
satiety | noun (n.) The state of being satiated or glutted; fullness of gratification, either of the appetite or of any sensual desire; fullness beyond desire; an excess of gratification which excites wearisomeness or loathing; repletion; satiation. |
satin | noun (n.) A silk cloth, of a thick, close texture, and overshot woof, which has a glossy surface. |
satinet | noun (n.) A thin kind of satin. |
| noun (n.) A kind of cloth made of cotton warp and woolen filling, used chiefly for trousers. |
satinwood | noun (n.) The hard, lemon-colored, fragrant wood of an East Indian tree (Chloroxylon Swietenia). It takes a lustrous finish, and is used in cabinetwork. The name is also given to the wood of a species of prickly ash (Xanthoxylum Caribaeum) growing in Florida and the West Indies. |
satiny | adjective (a.) Like or composed of satin; glossy; as, to have a satiny appearance; a satiny texture. |
sation | noun (n.) A sowing or planting. |
satire | adjective (a.) A composition, generally poetical, holding up vice or folly to reprobation; a keen or severe exposure of what in public or private morals deserves rebuke; an invective poem; as, the Satires of Juvenal. |
| adjective (a.) Keeness and severity of remark; caustic exposure to reprobation; trenchant wit; sarcasm. |
satiric | adjective (a.) Alt. of Satirical |
satirical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to satire; of the nature of satire; as, a satiric style. |
| adjective (a.) Censorious; severe in language; sarcastic; insulting. |
satirist | noun (n.) One who satirizes; especially, one who writes satire. |
satirizing | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Satirize |
satisfaction | noun (n.) The act of satisfying, or the state of being satisfied; gratification of desire; contentment in possession and enjoyment; repose of mind resulting from compliance with its desires or demands. |
| noun (n.) Settlement of a claim, due, or demand; payment; indemnification; adequate compensation. |
| noun (n.) That which satisfies or gratifies; atonement. |
satisfactive | adjective (a.) Satisfactory. |
satisfactory | adjective (a.) Giving or producing satisfaction; yielding content; especially, relieving the mind from doubt or uncertainty, and enabling it to rest with confidence; sufficient; as, a satisfactory account or explanation. |
| adjective (a.) Making amends, indemnification, or recompense; causing to cease from claims and to rest content; compensating; atoning; as, to make satisfactory compensation, or a satisfactory apology. |
satisfiable | adjective (a.) That may be satisfied. |
satisfier | noun (n.) One who satisfies. |
satisfying | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Satisfy |
satisfy | adjective (a.) In general, to fill up the measure of a want of (a person or a thing); hence, to grafity fully the desire of; to make content; to supply to the full, or so far as to give contentment with what is wished for. |
| adjective (a.) To pay to the extent of claims or deserts; to give what is due to; as, to satisfy a creditor. |
| adjective (a.) To answer or discharge, as a claim, debt, legal demand, or the like; to give compensation for; to pay off; to requite; as, to satisfy a claim or an execution. |
| adjective (a.) To free from doubt, suspense, or uncertainty; to give assurance to; to set at rest the mind of; to convince; as, to satisfy one's self by inquiry. |
| verb (v. i.) To give satisfaction; to afford gratification; to leave nothing to be desired. |
| verb (v. i.) To make payment or atonement; to atone. |
sative | adjective (a.) Sown; propagated by seed. |
satrap | noun (n.) The governor of a province in ancient Persia; hence, a petty autocrat despot. |
satrapal | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a satrap, or a satrapy. |
satrapess | noun (n.) A female satrap. |
satrapical | adjective (a.) Satrapal. |
satrapy | noun (n.) The government or jurisdiction of a satrap; a principality. |
satyr | noun (n.) A sylvan deity or demigod, represented as part man and part goat, and characterized by riotous merriment and lasciviousness. |
| noun (n.) Any one of many species of butterflies belonging to the family Nymphalidae. Their colors are commonly brown and gray, often with ocelli on the wings. Called also meadow browns. |
| noun (n.) The orang-outang. |
satyriasis | noun (n.) Immoderate venereal appetite in the male. |
satyric | adjective (a.) Alt. of Satyrical |
satyrical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to satyrs; burlesque; as, satyric tragedy. |
satyrion | noun (n.) Any one of several kinds of orchids. |
satinette | noun (n.) One of a breed of fancy frilled pigeons allied to the owls and turbits, having the body white, the shoulders tricolored, and the tail bluish black with a large white spot on each feather. |
English Words which starts with 'sat' and ends with 'nin':
English Words which starts with 'sa' and ends with 'in':
saccharin | noun (n.) A bitter white crystalline substance obtained from the saccharinates and regarded as the lactone of saccharinic acid; -- so called because formerly supposed to be isomeric with cane sugar (saccharose). |
sacchulmin | noun (n.) An amorphous huminlike substance resembling sacchulmic acid, and produced together with it. |
sagoin | noun (n.) A marmoset; -- called also sagouin. |
sainfoin | noun (n.) A leguminous plant (Onobrychis sativa) cultivated for fodder. |
| noun (n.) A kind of tick trefoil (Desmodium Canadense). |
salicin | noun (n.) A glucoside found in the bark and leaves of several species of willow (Salix) and poplar, and extracted as a bitter white crystalline substance. |
saliretin | noun (n.) A yellow amorphous resinoid substance obtained by the action of dilute acids on saligenin. |
sanhedrin | noun (n.) Alt. of Sanhedrim |
santalin | noun (n.) Santalic acid. See Santalic. |
sarasin | noun (n.) See Sarrasin. |
sarcin | noun (n.) Same as Hypoxanthin. |
sarcosin | noun (n.) A crystalline nitrogenous substance, formed in the decomposition of creatin (one of the constituents of muscle tissue). Chemically, it is methyl glycocoll. |
sardoin | noun (n.) Sard; carnelian. |
sarkin | noun (n.) Same as Hypoxanthin. |
sarrasin | noun (n.) Alt. of Sarrasine |
sarsaparillin | noun (n.) See Parillin. |
sasin | noun (n.) The Indian antelope (Antilope bezoartica, / cervicapra), noted for its beauty and swiftness. It has long, spiral, divergent horns. |
sassolin | noun (n.) Alt. of Sassoline |
savin | noun (n.) Alt. of Savine |