Name Report For First Name SERBAN:


First name SERBAN's origin is Europe. SERBAN means "meaning unknown". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with SERBAN below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of serban.(Brown names are of the same origin (Europe) with SERBAN and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with SERBAN - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming SERBAN



NAMES RHYMING WITH SERBAN (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (erban) - Names That Ends with erban:

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (rban) - Names That Ends with rban:


Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ban) - Names That Ends with ban:

taban shaaban aban ban gelban abban bearcban eban esteban palban rueban laban iban ahebban

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (an) - Names That Ends with an:

achan ayan iman lishan loiyan nishan saran anan hanan janan rukan sawsan wijdan shoushan siran morgan regan nuallan jolan yasiman siobhan ran papan teyacapan tonalnan shuman lilian bian tan abdiraxman aman hassan labaan sultan aidan germian nechtan willan al-asfan aswan bourkan farhan ferhan foursan lahthan lamaan ramadan sahran shoukran abdul-rahman arfan ayman burhan ghassan hamdan ihsan imran irfan luqman ma'n marwan nabhan nu'man omran othman rahman rayhan ridwan safwan salman sofian sulaiman yaman bedrosian dickran hovan izmirlian karayan korian vartan laodegan leodegan adiran alan condan

NAMES RHYMING WITH SERBAN (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (serba) - Names That Begins with serba:

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (serb) - Names That Begins with serb:

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (ser) - Names That Begins with ser:

ser serafi serafim serafin serafina serafine seraphim seraphina seraphine serapis serefina seren serena serenata serenity serhi serhild serhilda serihilda serihilde serilda serpuhi serq

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (se) - Names That Begins with se:

seabert seabrig seabright seabroc seabrook seaburt seadon seafra seafraid seager seaghda sealey seamere seamus sean seana seanachan seanan seanlaoch seanna searbhreathach searlait searlas searle searlus seaton seaver seaward seb sebak sebasten sebastene sebastian sebastiana sebastiano sebastien sebastiene sebastienne sebastyn sebe seber sebert sebestyen sebille sebo secg secgwic sechet seda sedge sedgeley sedgewic sedgewick sedgewik seely seentahna seeton sefton sefu segar segenam seger segulah segunda segundo seif seignour seiji sein seina seireadan sekai sekani sekhet sekou sela selam


First Names which starts with 'se' and ends with 'an':

First Names which starts with 's' and ends with 'n':

sachin safin salamon salhtun salomon salton samman sampson samson sanborn sanderson sandon sanson santon sarpedon sasson saturnin saunderson saxan saxon scanlan scanlon scannalan scelftun scotlyn scrydan selden seldon selvyn selwin selwyn sen senen senon seosaimhin seosaimhthin seppanen seton severin severn sevin sevrin sextein sexton shaan shaelynn shaheen shain shan shanahan shandon shann shannen shannon sharaden sharon shauden shaughn shaun shawn shawnn shayan shaylon shaylynn shayten shealyn sheehan shelden sheldon shelton sherbourn sheridan sherman shermon sheron sherwin sherwyn shiann shim'on shimshon shipton shohn shonn shyann siann siannan sidon siman simen simeon simon simpson simson sin sineidin sinjin sinon siodhachan siomon sion

English Words Rhyming SERBAN


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH SERBAN (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (erban) - English Words That Ends with erban:

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (rban) - English Words That Ends with rban:

corbannoun (n.) An offering of any kind, devoted to God and therefore not to be appropriated to any other use; esp., an offering in fulfillment of a vow.
 noun (n.) An alms basket; a vessel to receive gifts of charity; a treasury of the church, where offerings are deposited.

interurbanadjective (a.) Going between, or connecting, cities or towns; as, interurban electric railways.

suburbannoun (n.) One who dwells in the suburbs.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to suburbs; inhabiting, or being in, the suburbs of a city.

turbannoun (n.) A headdress worn by men in the Levant and by most Mohammedans of the male sex, consisting of a cap, and a sash, scarf, or shawl, usually of cotton or linen, wound about the cap, and sometimes hanging down the neck.
 noun (n.) A kind of headdress worn by women.
 noun (n.) The whole set of whorls of a spiral shell.

urbanadjective (a.) Of or belonging to a city or town; as, an urban population.
 adjective (a.) Belonging to, or suiting, those living in a city; cultivated; polite; urbane; as, urban manners.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ban) - English Words That Ends with ban:

albannoun (n.) A white crystalline resinous substance extracted from gutta-percha by the action of alcohol or ether.

bannoun (n.) A public proclamation or edict; a public order or notice, mandatory or prohibitory; a summons by public proclamation.
 noun (n.) A calling together of the king's (esp. the French king's) vassals for military service; also, the body of vassals thus assembled or summoned. In present usage, in France and Prussia, the most effective part of the population liable to military duty and not in the standing army.
 noun (n.) Notice of a proposed marriage, proclaimed in church. See Banns (the common spelling in this sense).
 noun (n.) An interdiction, prohibition, or proscription.
 noun (n.) A curse or anathema.
 noun (n.) A pecuniary mulct or penalty laid upon a delinquent for offending against a ban; as, a mulct paid to a bishop by one guilty of sacrilege or other crimes.
 noun (n.) An ancient title of the warden of the eastern marches of Hungary; now, a title of the viceroy of Croatia and Slavonia.
 verb (v. t.) To curse; to invoke evil upon.
 verb (v. t.) To forbid; to interdict.
 verb (v. i.) To curse; to swear.

cubannoun (n.) A native or an inhabitant of Cuba.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Cuba or its inhabitants.

galbannoun (n.) Alt. of Galbanum

lebannoun (n.) Alt. of Lebban

lebbannoun (n.) Coagulated sour milk diluted with water; -- a common beverage among the Arabs. Also, a fermented liquor made of the same.

olibannoun (n.) See Olibanum.

ribannoun (n.) See Ribbon.

sesbannoun (n.) A leguminous shrub (Sesbania aculeata) which furnishes a fiber used for making ropes.

thebannoun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Thebes; also, a wise man.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Thebes.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH SERBAN (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (serba) - Words That Begins with serba:

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (serb) - Words That Begins with serb:

serbonianadjective (a.) Relating to the lake of Serbonis in Egypt, which by reason of the sand blowing into it had a deceptive appearance of being solid land, but was a bog.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (ser) - Words That Begins with ser:

serenoun (n.) Claw; talon.
 adjective (a.) [OE. seer, AS. sear (assumed) fr. searian to wither; akin to D. zoor dry, LG. soor, OHG. sor/n to to wither, Gr. a"y`ein to parch, to dry, Skr. /ush (for sush) to dry, to wither, Zend hush to dry. Ã152. Cf. Austere, Sorrel, a.] Dry; withered; no longer green; -- applied to leaves.
 adjective (a.) Dry; withered. Same as Sear.

seraglionoun (n.) An inclosure; a place of separation.
 noun (n.) The palace of the Grand Seignior, or Turkish sultan, at Constantinople, inhabited by the sultan himself, and all the officers and dependents of his court. In it are also kept the females of the harem.
 noun (n.) A harem; a place for keeping wives or concubines; sometimes, loosely, a place of licentious pleasure; a house of debauchery.

serainoun (n.) A palace; a seraglio; also, in the East, a place for the accommodation of travelers; a caravansary, or rest house.

seralbumennoun (n.) Serum albumin.

serangnoun (n.) The boatswain of a Lascar or East Ondian crew.

serapenoun (n.) A blanket or shawl worn as an outer garment by the Spanish Americans, as in Mexico.

seraphnoun (n.) One of an order of celestial beings, each having three pairs of wings. In ecclesiastical art and in poetry, a seraph is represented as one of a class of angels.

seraphicadjective (a.) Alt. of Seraphical

seraphicaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a seraph; becoming, or suitable to, a seraph; angelic; sublime; pure; refined.

seraphicismnoun (n.) The character, quality, or state of a seraph; seraphicalness.

seraphimnoun (n.) The Hebrew plural of Seraph. Cf. Cherubim.
  (pl. ) of Seraph

seraphinanoun (n.) A seraphine.

seraphinenoun (n.) A wind instrument whose sounding parts are reeds, consisting of a thin tongue of brass playing freely through a slot in a plate. It has a case, like a piano, and is played by means of a similar keybord, the bellows being worked by the foot. The melodeon is a portable variety of this instrument.

serapisnoun (n.) An Egyptian deity, at first a symbol of the Nile, and so of fertility; later, one of the divinities of the lower world. His worship was introduced into Greece and Rome.

seraskiernoun (n.) A general or commander of land forces in the Turkish empire; especially, the commander-in-chief of minister of war.

seraskieratenoun (n.) The office or authority of a seraskier.

sereinnoun (n.) A mist, or very fine rain, which sometimes falls from a clear sky a few moments after sunset.

serenadenoun (n.) Music sung or performed in the open air at nights; -- usually applied to musical entertainments given in the open air at night, especially by gentlemen, in a spirit of gallantry, under the windows of ladies.
 noun (n.) A piece of music suitable to be performed at such times.
 verb (v. t.) To entertain with a serenade.
 verb (v. i.) To perform a serenade.

serenadingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Serenade

serenadernoun (n.) One who serenades.

serenatanoun (n.) Alt. of Serenate

serenatenoun (n.) A piece of vocal music, especially one on an amoreus subject; a serenade.

serenenoun (n.) Serenity; clearness; calmness.
 noun (n.) Evening air; night chill.
 adjective (a.) Bright; clear; unabscured; as, a serene sky.
 adjective (a.) Calm; placid; undisturbed; unruffled; as, a serene aspect; a serene soul.
 verb (v. t.) To make serene.

serenenessnoun (n.) Serenity.

serenitudenoun (n.) Serenity.

serenitynoun (n.) The quality or state of being serene; clearness and calmness; quietness; stillness; peace.
 noun (n.) Calmness of mind; eveness of temper; undisturbed state; coolness; composure.

serfagenoun (n.) Alt. of Serfdom

serfdomnoun (n.) The state or condition of a serf.

serfhoodnoun (n.) Alt. of Serfism

serfismnoun (n.) Serfage.

sergenoun (n.) A woolen twilled stuff, much used as material for clothing for both sexes.
 noun (n.) A large wax candle used in the ceremonies of various churches.

sergeancynoun (n.) The office of a sergeant; sergeantship.

sergeantnoun (n.) Formerly, in England, an officer nearly answering to the more modern bailiff of the hundred; also, an officer whose duty was to attend on the king, and on the lord high steward in court, to arrest traitors and other offenders. He is now called sergeant-at-arms, and two of these officers, by allowance of the sovereign, attend on the houses of Parliament (one for each house) to execute their commands, and another attends the Court Chancery.
 noun (n.) In a company, battery, or troop, a noncommissioned officer next in rank above a corporal, whose duty is to instruct recruits in discipline, to form the ranks, etc.
 noun (n.) A lawyer of the highest rank, answering to the doctor of the civil law; -- called also serjeant at law.
 noun (n.) A title sometimes given to the servants of the sovereign; as, sergeant surgeon, that is, a servant, or attendant, surgeon.
 noun (n.) The cobia.

sergeantcynoun (n.) Same as Sergeancy.

sergeantrynoun (n.) See Sergeanty.

sergeantshipnoun (n.) The office of sergeant.

sergeantynoun (n.) Tenure of lands of the crown by an honorary kind of service not due to any lord, but to the king only.

serialnoun (n.) A publication appearing in a series or succession of part; a tale, or other writing, published in successive numbers of a periodical.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a series; consisting of a series; appearing in successive parts or numbers; as, a serial work or publication.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to rows.

serialitynoun (n.) The quality or state of succession in a series; sequence.

seriateadjective (a.) Arranged in a series or succession; pertaining to a series.

seriationnoun (n.) Arrangement or position in a series.

sericeousadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to silk; consisting of silk; silky.
 adjective (a.) Covered with very soft hairs pressed close to the surface; as, a sericeous leaf.
 adjective (a.) Having a silklike luster, usually due to fine, close hairs.

sericinnoun (n.) A gelatinous nitrogenous material extracted from crude silk and other similar fiber by boiling water; -- called also silk gelatin.

sericitenoun (n.) A kind of muscovite occuring in silky scales having a fibrous structure. It is characteristic of sericite schist.

sericteriumnoun (n.) A silk gland, as in the silkworms.

sericulturenoun (n.) The raising of silkworms.

serienoun (n.) Series.

seriemanoun (n.) A large South American bird (Dicholophus, / Cariama cristata) related to the cranes. It is often domesticated. Called also cariama.

seriesnoun (n.) A number of things or events standing or succeeding in order, and connected by a like relation; sequence; order; course; a succession of things; as, a continuous series of calamitous events.
 noun (n.) Any comprehensive group of animals or plants including several subordinate related groups.
 noun (n.) An indefinite number of terms succeeding one another, each of which is derived from one or more of the preceding by a fixed law, called the law of the series; as, an arithmetical series; a geometrical series.
 noun (n.) In Engler's system of plant classification, a group of families showing certain structural or morphological relationships. It corresponds to the cohort of some writers, and to the order of many modern systematists.
 noun (n.) A mode of arranging the separate parts of a circuit by connecting them successively end to end to form a single path for the current; -- opposed to parallel. The parts so arranged are said to be in series.
 noun (n.) A parcel of rough diamonds of assorted qualities.

serinnoun (n.) A European finch (Serinus hortulanus) closely related to the canary.


English Words which starts with 'se' and ends with 'an':

seamannoun (n.) A merman; the male of the mermaid.
 noun (n.) One whose occupation is to assist in the management of ships at sea; a mariner; a sailor; -- applied both to officers and common mariners, but especially to the latter. Opposed to landman, or landsman.

seannoun (n.) A seine. See Seine.

sea sauriannoun (n.) Any marine saurian; esp. (Paleon.) the large extinct species of Mosasaurus, Icthyosaurus, Plesiosaurus, and related genera.

seawannoun (n.) Alt. of Seawant

sectariannoun (n.) Pertaining to a sect, or to sects; peculiar to a sect; bigotedly attached to the tenets and interests of a denomination; as, sectarian principles or prejudices.
 noun (n.) One of a sect; a member or adherent of a special school, denomination, or religious or philosophical party; one of a party in religion which has separated itself from established church, or which holds tenets different from those of the prevailing denomination in a state.

sedannoun (n.) A portable chair or covered vehicle for carrying a single person, -- usually borne on poles by two men. Called also sedan chair.

seedsmannoun (n.) A sower; one who sows or scatters seed.
 noun (n.) A person who deals in seeds.

selachiannoun (n.) One of the Selachii. See Illustration in Appendix.

selectmannoun (n.) One of a board of town officers chosen annually in the New England States to transact the general public business of the town, and have a kind of executive authority. The number is usually from three to seven in each town.

seljukianadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Seljuk, a Tartar chief who embraced Mohammedanism, and began the subjection of Western Asia to that faith and rule; of or pertaining to the dynasty founded by him, or the empire maintained by his descendants from the 10th to the 13th century.

seljuckiannoun (n.) A member of the family of Seljuk; an adherent of that family, or subject of its government; (pl.) the dynasty of Turkish sultans sprung from Seljuk.

semibarbariannoun (n.) One partly civilized.
 adjective (a.) Half barbarous; partially civilized.

seminariannoun (n.) Alt. of Seminarist

semipaganadjective (a.) Half pagan.

semitertiannoun (n.) An intermittent combining the characteristics of a tertian and a quotidian.
 adjective (a.) Having the characteristics of both a tertian and a quotidian intermittent.

senatorianadjective (a.) Senatorial.

senonianadjective (a.) In european geology, a name given to the middle division of the Upper Cretaceous formation.

septuagenariannoun (n.) A person who is seventy years of age; a septuagenary.

serpentiniannoun (n.) See 2d Ophite.

serpuliannoun (n.) Alt. of Serpulidan

serpulidannoun (n.) A serpula.

sertulariannoun (n.) Any species of Sertularia, or of Sertularidae, a family of hydroids having branched chitinous stems and simple sessile hydrothecae. Also used adjectively.

serviannoun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Servia.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Servia, a kingdom of Southern Europe.

sesquipedalianadjective (a.) Measuring or containing a foot and a half; as, a sesquipedalian pygmy; -- sometimes humorously applied to long words.

sesquitertianadjective (a.) Alt. of Sesquitertianal

sexagenariannoun (n.) A person who is sixty years old.