Name Report For First Name KAINE:


First name KAINE's origin is Other. KAINE means "tribute". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with KAINE below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of kaine.(Brown names are of the same origin (Other) with KAINE and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with KAINE - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming KAINE



NAMES RHYMING WITH KAİNE (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (aine) - Names That Ends with aine:

alaine marjolaine uwaine aine avelaine charlaine charmaine elaine ellaine germaine guilaine helaine igraine jaine jazmaine laraine larraine loraine madelaine maiolaine marlaine melaine slaine solaine valeraine ygraine blaine daine dwaine faine fontaine fraine jermaine laine maclaine montaine paine shaine tramaine tremaine zaine guiliaine ghislaine romaine lorraine graine brangaine jourdaine lauraine caine delaine

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ine) - Names That Ends with ine:

ankine lucine eguskine jensine larine nielsine petrine aceline albertine alexandrine ermengardine jacqueline adeline alfonsine ambrosine celandine evangeline lexine nerine columbine cymbeline turquine cymbelline locrine adine aelfwine aethelwine alastrine alexine alhertine aline alphonsine angeline ardine arline arthurine aveline berdine bernadine bettine birdine carmeline carmine caroline cateline catharine catherine catline celestine

NAMES RHYMING WITH KAİNE (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (kain) - Names That Begins with kain:

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (kai) - Names That Begins with kai:

kai kaia kaiah kaici kaidan kaidance kaiden kaikala kaila kailan kailani kailasa kailea kailee kailen kailene kailey kaili kailin kailoken kailyn kailynne kaimana kaimi kaiolohia kaira kairi kairos kaisa kaise kaiser kaison kaitelyn kaitlan kaitleen kaitlin kaitlinn kaitlyn kaitlyne kaitlynn kaitlynne kaity kaiyah

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ka) - Names That Begins with ka:

ka'im kaage kaaria kaarl kaarle kaarlo kabaka kacee kacey kachada kachina kaci kacia kacie kacy kada kadalynn kadan kadar kade kadee kadeen kadeer kaden kaden-scott kadence kadi kadia kadian kadie kadience kadienne kadija kadin kadir kadison kadmus kado kadru kady kadyn kadyriath kaede kaedee kaeden kaedence kaela kaelah kaeleb kaelee kaeleigh kaelen kaelene kaeley kaeli kaelie kaelin


First Names which starts with 'ka' and ends with 'ne':

kane karlene karline karoline kateline katherine kathlene kathrine katlyne katlynne katriane katrine kaylene kayne

First Names which starts with 'k' and ends with 'e':

kaerae kafele kalanie kale kalee kalie kalle kallie kalliope kalonice kamarae kamarre kamille kammie kanake kandace kandake kandee kandice kandyce kangee kannelite kaprice karlee karlie karolee karrae kasidee kasie kassie kate kathe katie katrice kayce kaycee kaycie kaydance kayde kaydence kaydience kaye kaylee kaylie kazemde keandre keane kearne keefe keelee keene kekiokolanee kelcie kele kelile kellee kellie kellsie kelly-anne kelsee kelsie keme kempe kendale kendele kenzie kepe kerianne kermeilde kermillie kermode kerne kerrianne kerrie kerye kesare kesegowaase kessie khloe khrystalline kiele kifle kildaire kildare kile killdaire

English Words Rhyming KAINE


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH KAİNE (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (aine) - English Words That Ends with aine:

aubainenoun (n.) Succession to the goods of a stranger not naturalized.

betainenoun (n.) A nitrogenous base, C5H11NO2, produced artificially, and also occurring naturally in beet-root molasses and its residues, from which it is extracted as a white crystalline substance; -- called also lycine and oxyneurine. It has a sweetish taste.

cacainenoun (n.) The essential principle of cacao; -- now called theobromine.

chatelainenoun (n.) An ornamental hook, or brooch worn by a lady at her waist, and having a short chain or chains attached for a watch, keys, trinkets, etc. Also used adjectively; as, a chatelaine chain.

cocainenoun (n.) A powerful alkaloid, C17H21NO4, obtained from the leaves of coca. It is a bitter, white, crystalline substance, and is remarkable for producing local insensibility to pain.

delainenoun (n.) A kind of fabric for women's dresses.

drainenoun (n.) The missel thrush.

elainenoun (n.) Alt. of Elain

leucomainenoun (n.) An animal base or alkaloid, appearing in the tissue during life; hence, a vital alkaloid, as distinguished from a ptomaine or cadaveric poison.

mainenoun (n.) One of the New England States.

migrainenoun (n.) Same as Megrim.

morainenoun (n.) An accumulation of earth and stones carried forward and deposited by a glacier.

quinzainenoun (n.) The fifteenth day after a feast day, including both in the reckoning.
 noun (n.) The fifteenth day after a feast day, including both in the reckoning.

poulainenoun (n.) A long pointed shoe. See Cracowes.

ptomainenoun (n.) One of a class of animal bases or alkaloids formed in the putrefaction of various kinds of albuminous matter, and closely related to the vegetable alkaloids; a cadaveric poison. The ptomaines, as a class, have their origin in dead matter, by which they are to be distinguished from the leucomaines.

thebainenoun (n.) A poisonous alkaloid, C19H21NO3, found in opium in small quantities, having a sharp, astringent taste, and a tetanic action resembling that of strychnine.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ine) - English Words That Ends with ine:

abietinenoun (n.) A resinous obtained from Strasburg turpentine or Canada balsam. It is without taste or smell, is insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol (especially at the boiling point), in strong acetic acid, and in ether.

acacinenoun (n.) Gum arabic.

acalycineadjective (a.) Alt. of Acalysinous

acanthineadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, the plant acanthus.

acarineadjective (a.) Of or caused by acari or mites; as, acarine diseases.

acaulineadjective (a.) Same as Acaulescent.

accipitrineadjective (a.) Like or belonging to the Accipitres; raptorial; hawklike.

acervulineadjective (a.) Resembling little heaps.

acolyctinenoun (n.) An organic base, in the form of a white powder, obtained from Aconitum lycoctonum.

aconitinenoun (n.) An intensely poisonous alkaloid, extracted from aconite.

adamantineadjective (a.) Made of adamant, or having the qualities of adamant; incapable of being broken, dissolved, or penetrated; as, adamantine bonds or chains.
 adjective (a.) Like the diamond in hardness or luster.

adulterinenoun (n.) An illegitimate child.
 adjective (a.) Proceeding from adulterous intercourse. Hence: Spurious; without the support of law; illegal.

agatineadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or like, agate.

alabastrineadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or like, alabaster; as alabastrine limbs.

alaninenoun (n.) A white crystalline base, C3H7NO2, derived from aldehyde ammonia.

aldineadjective (a.) An epithet applied to editions (chiefly of the classics) which proceeded from the press of Aldus Manitius, and his family, of Venice, for the most part in the 16th century and known by the sign of the anchor and the dolphin. The term has also been applied to certain elegant editions of English works.

alexandrinenoun (n.) A kind of verse consisting in English of twelve syllables.
 adjective (a.) Belonging to Alexandria; Alexandrian.

algerinenoun (n.) A native or one of the people of Algiers or Algeria. Also, a pirate.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Algiers or Algeria.

alkalineadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to an alkali or to alkalies; having the properties of an alkali.

almandinenoun (n.) The common red variety of garnet.

almondinenoun (n.) See Almandine

alpestrineadjective (a.) Pertaining to the Alps, or other high mountains; as, Alpestrine diseases, etc.
 adjective (a.) Growing on the elevated parts of mountains, but not above the timbe/ line; subalpine.

alphonsineadjective (a.) Of or relating to Alphonso X., the Wise, King of Castile (1252-1284).

alpineadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Alps, or to any lofty mountain; as, Alpine snows; Alpine plants.
 adjective (a.) Like the Alps; lofty.

altheinenoun (n.) Asparagine.

aluminenoun (n.) Alumina.

alvineadjective (a.) Of, from, in, or pertaining to, the belly or the intestines; as, alvine discharges; alvine concretions.

amandinenoun (n.) The vegetable casein of almonds.
 noun (n.) A kind of cold cream prepared from almonds, for chapped hands, etc.

amanitinenoun (n.) The poisonous principle of some fungi.

amaranthineadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to amaranth.
 adjective (a.) Unfading, as the poetic amaranth; undying.
 adjective (a.) Of a purplish color.

amarinenoun (n.) A characteristic crystalline substance, obtained from oil of bitter almonds.

amethystineadjective (a.) Resembling amethyst, especially in color; bluish violet.
 adjective (a.) Composed of, or containing, amethyst.

aminenoun (n.) One of a class of strongly basic substances derived from ammonia by replacement of one or more hydrogen atoms by a basic atom or radical.

amygdalineadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, almonds.

anatineadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the ducks; ducklike.

andesinenoun (n.) A kind of triclinic feldspar found in the Andes.

andineadjective (a.) Andean; as, Andine flora.

angevinenoun (n.) A native of Anjou.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Anjou in France.

anguineadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a snake or serpent.

anilinenoun (n.) An organic base belonging to the phenylamines. It may be regarded as ammonia in which one hydrogen atom has been replaced by the radical phenyl. It is a colorless, oily liquid, originally obtained from indigo by distillation, but now largely manufactured from coal tar or nitrobenzene as a base from which many brilliant dyes are made.
 adjective (a.) Made from, or of the nature of, aniline.

animalculineadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, animalcules.

annotinenoun (n.) A bird one year old, or that has once molted.

anserineadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, a goose, or the skin of a goose.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to the Anseres.

antalkalinenoun (n.) Anything that neutralizes, or that counteracts an alkaline tendency in the system.
 adjective (a.) Of power to counteract alkalies.

antifebrinenoun (n.) Acetanilide.

antilopineadjective (a.) Of or relating to the antelope.

antipyrinenoun (n.) An artificial alkaloid, believed to be efficient in abating fever.

antitoxinenoun (n.) A substance (sometimes the product of a specific micro-organism and sometimes naturally present in the blood or tissues of an animal), capable of producing immunity from certain diseases, or of counteracting the poisonous effects of pathogenic bacteria.

apennineadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, the Apennines, a chain of mountains extending through Italy.

apomorphinenoun (n.) A crystalline alkaloid obtained from morphia. It is a powerful emetic.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH KAİNE (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (kain) - Words That Begins with kain:

kainnoun (n.) Poultry, etc., required by the lease to be paid in kind by a tenant to his landlord.

kainitnoun (n.) Salts of potassium used in the manufacture of fertilizers.

kainitenoun (n.) A compound salt consisting chiefly of potassium chloride and magnesium sulphate, occurring at the Stassfurt salt mines in Prussian Saxony.

kainozoicadjective (a.) See Cenozoic.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (kai) - Words That Begins with kai:

kailnoun (n.) A kind of headless cabbage. Same as Kale, 1.
 noun (n.) Any cabbage, greens, or vegetables.
 noun (n.) A broth made with kail or other vegetables; hence, any broth; also, a dinner.

kaimacamnoun (n.) Same as Caimacam.

kaiquenoun (n.) See Caique.

kairinenoun (n.) A pale buff or white crystalline alkaloid derived from quinoline, and used as an antipyretic in medicine.

kairolinenoun (n.) An organic base obtained from quinoline. It is used as a febrifuge, and resembles kairine.

kaisernoun (n.) The ancient title of emperors of Germany assumed by King William of Prussia when crowned sovereign of the new German empire in 1871.


English Words which starts with 'ka' and ends with 'ne':

kakoxenenoun (n.) See Cacoxene.

kalsominenoun (n. & v. t.) Same as Calcimine.

kaolinenoun (n.) A very pure white clay, ordinarily in the form of an impalpable powder, and used to form the paste of porcelain; China clay; porcelain clay. It is chiefly derived from the decomposition of common feldspar.

karaganenoun (n.) A species of gray fox found in Russia.