Name Report For First Name CADMAN:


First name CADMAN's origin is English. CADMAN means "warrior". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with CADMAN below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of cadman.(Brown names are of the same origin (English) with CADMAN and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with CADMAN - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming CADMAN



NAMES RHYMING WITH CADMAN (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (adman) - Names That Ends with adman:

readman steadman

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (dman) - Names That Ends with dman:

woudman ordman redman rodman tedman stedman woodman

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (man) - Names That Ends with man:

iman yasiman shuman abdiraxman aman abdul-rahman ayman luqman ma'n nu'man othman rahman salman sulaiman yaman siman deman geldersman zeeman lukman uthman ackerman raedeman whiteman syman ahriman atman ueman carman abdalrahman aekerman altman brickman coleman colman coman daman delman eman firman freeman freman garman garrman german gorman hardtman harman harriman hartman herman holman kalman leaman leman leyman loman luxman marchman milman nachman norman ormeman osman rayman rickman ricman roman sherman stedeman stilleman tillman treoweman truman wacuman whitman wigman wyman yoman kellman hyman jarman hariman yeoman wakeman tilman stillman ryman richman orman millman

NAMES RHYMING WITH CADMAN (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (cadma) - Names That Begins with cadma:

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (cadm) - Names That Begins with cadm:

cadmon cadmus

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (cad) - Names That Begins with cad:

cadabyr cadan cadassi cadby cadda caddaham caddari caddaric caddarik caddawyc cade cadee cadell caden cadena cadence cadencia cadenza cadeo cadha cadhla cadi cadie cadis cador cadwallon cady cadyna

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ca) - Names That Begins with ca:

cabal cabe cable cacamwri cacanisius cace cacey cachamwri caci cacia caedmon caedon caedwalla caelan caeli caellum caeneus caerleon caerlion caersewiella caesar caesare cafall caffar caffara caffaria caflice cagney cahal cahir cahira cai caidance cailean caileigh cailen cailey cailie cailin cailleach caillen caillic cailsey cailym cailyn caimbeaul cain caindale caine caira cairbre cairistiona caiseal cait caith caitie caitilin caitlan caitland caitlin caitlinn caitly caitlyn caitlynn caitrin caius cal cala caladh calais


First Names which starts with 'ca' and ends with 'an':

calan calidan callaghan callahan camdan caolan caomhan carolan cassian caswallan cavan caylan

First Names which starts with 'c' and ends with 'n':

calhoun caliburn calin camarin camaron camden camdin camdyn camelon cameron cameryn camlann camren camron camryn camshron caoilfhinnn caoilfhionn caoimhghin caolabhuinn caralyn carelton carilyn carlatun carleen carleton carlin carlson carlton carmen carmon carnation carolann carolin carolyn carolynn carrington carson carsten caryn carynn casen catalin catelyn catheryn cathleen cathlin cathryn catlin catlyn cavalon cayden ceallachan ceannfhionn ceapmann ceastun ceawlin ceileachan cein celdtun celidon celyddon cendrillon cenon cercyon cerin cetewin chadburn chan chanan chann channon chapin chapman charion charleen charleson charleston charleton charlton charlyn charlynn charmain charon chasen chaseyn chattan chatwin

English Words Rhyming CADMAN


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH CADMAN (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (adman) - English Words That Ends with adman:

gadmannoun (n.) A gadsman.

headmannoun (n.) A head or leading man, especially of a village community.

leadmannoun (n.) One who leads a dance.

madmannoun (n.) A man who is mad; lunatic; a crazy person.

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (dman) - English Words That Ends with dman:

birdmannoun (n.) A fowler or birdcatcher.
 noun (n.) An aviator; airman.

bombardmannoun (n.) One who carried liquor or beer in a can or bombard.

bondmannoun (n.) A man slave, or one bound to service without wages.
 noun (n.) A villain, or tenant in villenage.

bordmannoun (n.) A bordar; a tenant in bordage.

dodmannoun (n.) A snail; also, a snail shell; a hodmandod.
 noun (n.) Any shellfish which casts its shell, as a lobster.

freedmannoun (n.) A man who has been a slave, and has been set free.

goodmannoun (n.) A familiar appellation of civility, equivalent to "My friend", "Good sir", "Mister;" -- sometimes used ironically.
 noun (n.) A husband; the master of a house or family; -- often used in speaking familiarly.

herdmannoun (n.) Alt. of Herdsman

hodmannoun (n.) A man who carries a hod; a mason's tender.

hoodmannoun (n.) The person blindfolded in the game called hoodman-blind.

husbandmannoun (n.) The master of a family.
 noun (n.) A farmer; a cultivator or tiller of the ground.

landmannoun (n.) A man who lives or serves on land; -- opposed to seaman.
 noun (n.) An occupier of land.

sandmannoun (n.) A mythical person who makes children sleepy, so that they rub their eyes as if there were sand in them.

swordmannoun (n.) A swordsman.

woodmannoun (n.) A forest officer appointed to take care of the king's woods; a forester.
 noun (n.) A sportsman; a hunter.
 noun (n.) One who cuts down trees; a woodcutter.
 noun (n.) One who dwells in the woods or forest; a bushman.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (man) - English Words That Ends with man:

ahrimannoun (n.) The Evil Principle or Being of the ancient Persians; the Prince of Darkness as opposer to Ormuzd, the King of Light.

aldermannoun (n.) A senior or superior; a person of rank or dignity.
 noun (n.) One of a board or body of municipal officers next in order to the mayor and having a legislative function. They may, in some cases, individually exercise some magisterial and administrative functions.

almannoun (n.) A German.
  (adj.) German.
  (adj.) The German language.
  (adj.) A kind of dance. See Allemande.

almsmannoun (n.) A recipient of alms.
 noun (n.) A giver of alms.

alongshoremannoun (n.) See Longshoreman.

arimannoun (n.) See Ahriman.

artillerymannoun (n.) A man who manages, or assists in managing, a large gun in firing.

artsmannoun (n.) A man skilled in an art or in arts.

assemblymannoun (n.) A member of an assembly, especially of the lower branch of a state legislature.

atamannoun (n.) A hetman, or chief of the Cossacks.

axmannoun (n.) One who wields an ax.

airmannoun (n.) A man who ascends or flies in an aircraft; a flying machine pilot.

airwomannoun (n.) A woman who ascends or flies in an aircraft.

atmannoun (n.) The life principle, soul, or individual essence.
 noun (n.) The universal ego from whom all individual atmans arise. This sense is a European excrescence on the East Indian thought.

backwoodsmannoun (n.) A man living in the forest in or beyond the new settlements, especially on the western frontiers of the older portions of the United States.

bagmannoun (n.) A commercial traveler; one employed to solicit orders for manufacturers and tradesmen.

bargemannoun (n.) The man who manages a barge, or one of the crew of a barge.

batmannoun (n.) A weight used in the East, varying according to the locality; in Turkey, the greater batman is about 157 pounds, the lesser only a fourth of this; at Aleppo and Smyrna, the batman is 17 pounds.
 noun (n.) A man who has charge of a bathorse and his load.

batsmannoun (n.) The one who wields the bat in cricket, baseball, etc.

beadsmannoun (n.) Alt. of Bedesman

bedesmannoun (n.) A poor man, supported in a beadhouse, and required to pray for the soul of its founder; an almsman.
 noun (n.) Same as Beadsman.

beadswomannoun (n.) Alt. of Bedeswoman

bedeswomannoun (n.) Fem. of Beadsman.

bellmannoun (n.) A man who rings a bell, especially to give notice of anything in the streets. Formerly, also, a night watchman who called the hours.

billmannoun (n.) One who uses, or is armed with, a bill or hooked ax.

boatmannoun (n.) A man who manages a boat; a rower of a boat.
 noun (n.) A boat bug. See Boat bug.

boatsmannoun (n.) A boatman.

boatwomannoun (n.) A woman who manages a boat.

bondsmannoun (n.) A slave; a villain; a serf; a bondman.
 noun (n.) A surety; one who is bound, or who gives security, for another.

bondswomannoun (n.) See Bondwoman.

bondwomannoun (n.) A woman who is a slave, or in bondage.

bookmannoun (n.) A studious man; a scholar.

bosjesmannoun (n.) See Bushman.

bowmannoun (n.) A man who uses a bow; an archer.
 noun (n.) The man who rows the foremost oar in a boat; the bow oar.

brachmannoun (n.) See Brahman.

brahmannoun (n.) Alt. of Brahmin

brakemannoun (n.) A man in charge of a brake or brakes.
 noun (n.) The man in charge of the winding (or hoisting) engine for a mine.

breakmannoun (n.) See Brakeman.

bridemannoun (n.) See Bridesmaid, Bridesman.

bridesmannoun (n.) A male friend who attends upon a bridegroom and bride at their marriage; the "best man."

briefmannoun (n.) One who makes a brief.
 noun (n.) A copier of a manuscript.

burmannoun (n.) A member of the Burman family, one of the four great families Burmah; also, sometimes, any inhabitant of Burmah; a Burmese.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Burmans or to Burmah.

bushelmannoun (n.) A tailor's assistant for repairing garments; -- called also busheler.

bushmannoun (n.) A woodsman; a settler in the bush.
 noun (n.) One of a race of South African nomads, living principally in the deserts, and not classified as allied in race or language to any other people.

buttermannoun (n.) A man who makes or sells butter.

baymannoun (n.) In the United States navy, a sick-bay nurse; -- now officially designated as hospital apprentice.

birdwomannoun (n.) An airwoman; an aviatress.

cabmannoun (n.) The driver of a cab.

caimannoun (n.) See Cayman.

canoemannoun (n.) One who uses a canoe; one who travels in a canoe.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH CADMAN (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (cadma) - Words That Begins with cadma:

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (cadm) - Words That Begins with cadm:

cadmeanadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Cadmus, a fabulous prince of Thebes, who was said to have introduced into Greece the sixteen simple letters of the alphabet -- /, /, /, /, /, /, /, /, /, /, /, /, /, /, /, /. These are called Cadmean letters.

cadmianoun (n.) An oxide of zinc which collects on the sides of furnaces where zinc is sublimed. Formerly applied to the mineral calamine.

cadmianadjective (a.) See Cadmean.

cadmicadjective (a.) Pertaining to, derived from, or containing, cadmium; as, cadmic sulphide.

cadmiumnoun (n.) A comparatively rare element related to zinc, and occurring in some zinc ores. It is a white metal, both ductile and malleable. Symbol Cd. Atomic weight 111.8. It was discovered by Stromeyer in 1817, who named it from its association with zinc or zinc ore.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (cad) - Words That Begins with cad:

cadnoun (n.) A person who stands at the door of an omnibus to open and shut it, and to receive fares; an idle hanger-on about innyards.
 noun (n.) A lowbred, presuming person; a mean, vulgar fellow.

cadastraladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to landed property.

cadastrenoun (n.) Alt. of Cadaster

cadasternoun (n.) An official statement of the quantity and value of real estate for the purpose of apportioning the taxes payable on such property.

cadavernoun (n.) A dead human body; a corpse.

cadavericadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a corpse, or the changes produced by death; cadaverous; as, cadaveric rigidity.

cadaverousadjective (a.) Having the appearance or color of a dead human body; pale; ghastly; as, a cadaverous look.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to, or having the qualities of, a dead body.

cadbaitnoun (n.) See Caddice.

caddicenoun (n.) Alt. of Caddis

caddisnoun (n.) The larva of a caddice fly. These larvae generally live in cylindrical cases, open at each end, and covered externally with pieces of broken shells, gravel, bits of wood, etc. They are a favorite bait with anglers. Called also caddice worm, or caddis worm.
 noun (n.) A kind of worsted lace or ribbon.

caddishadjective (a.) Like a cad; lowbred and presuming.

caddownoun (n.) A jackdaw.

caddynoun (n.) A small box, can, or chest to keep tea in.

cadenoun (n.) A barrel or cask, as of fish.
 noun (n.) A species of juniper (Juniperus Oxycedrus) of Mediterranean countries.
 adjective (a.) Bred by hand; domesticated; petted.
 verb (v. t.) To bring up or nourish by hand, or with tenderness; to coddle; to tame.

cadencenoun (n.) The act or state of declining or sinking.
 noun (n.) A fall of the voice in reading or speaking, especially at the end of a sentence.
 noun (n.) A rhythmical modulation of the voice or of any sound; as, music of bells in cadence sweet.
 noun (n.) Rhythmical flow of language, in prose or verse.
 noun (n.) See Cadency.
 noun (n.) Harmony and proportion in motions, as of a well-managed horse.
 noun (n.) A uniform time and place in marching.
 noun (n.) The close or fall of a strain; the point of rest, commonly reached by the immediate succession of the tonic to the dominant chord.
 noun (n.) A cadenza, or closing embellishment; a pause before the end of a strain, which the performer may fill with a flight of fancy.
 verb (v. t.) To regulate by musical measure.

cadencynoun (n.) Descent of related families; distinction between the members of a family according to their ages.

cadenenoun (n.) A species of inferior carpet imported from the Levant.

cadentadjective (a.) Falling.

cadenzanoun (n.) A parenthetic flourish or flight of ornament in the course of a piece, commonly just before the final cadence.

cadernoun (n.) See Cadre.

cadetnoun (n.) The younger of two brothers; a younger brother or son; the youngest son.
 noun (n.) A gentleman who carries arms in a regiment, as a volunteer, with a view of acquiring military skill and obtaining a commission.
 noun (n.) A young man in training for military or naval service; esp. a pupil in a military or naval school, as at West Point, Annapolis, or Woolwich.
 noun (n.) In New Zealand, a young gentleman learning sheep farming at a station; also, any young man attached to a sheep station.
 noun (n.) A young man who makes a business of ruining girls to put them in brothels.

cadetshipnoun (n.) The position, rank, or commission of a cadet; as, to get a cadetship.

cadewnoun (n.) Alt. of Cadeworm

cadewormnoun (n.) A caddice. See Caddice.

cadgingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Cadge

cadgenoun (n.) A circular frame on which cadgers carry hawks for sale.
 verb (v. t. & i.) To carry, as a burden.
 verb (v. t. & i.) To hawk or peddle, as fish, poultry, etc.
 verb (v. t. & i.) To intrude or live on another meanly; to beg.

cadgernoun (n.) One who carries hawks on a cadge.
 verb (v. t.) A packman or itinerant huckster.
 verb (v. t.) One who gets his living by trickery or begging.

cadgyadjective (a.) Cheerful or mirthful, as after good eating or drinking; also, wanton.

cadinoun (n.) An inferior magistrate or judge among the Mohammedans, usually the judge of a town or village.

cadienoun (n.) Alt. of Caddie

caddienoun (n.) A Scotch errand boy, porter, or messenger.
 noun (n.) A cadet.
 noun (n.) A lad; young fellow.
 noun (n.) One who does errands or other odd jobs.
 noun (n.) An attendant who carries a golf player's clubs, tees his ball, etc.

cadileskernoun (n.) A chief judge in the Turkish empire, so named originally because his jurisdiction extended to the cases of soldiers, who are now tried only by their own officers.

cadillacnoun (n.) A large pear, shaped like a flattened top, used chiefly for cooking.

cadisnoun (n.) A kind of coarse serge.

cadransnoun (n.) An instrument with a graduated disk by means of which the angles of gems are measured in the process of cutting and polishing.

cadrenoun (n.) The framework or skeleton upon which a regiment is to be formed; the officers of a regiment forming the staff.

caducaryadjective (a.) Relating to escheat, forfeiture, or confiscation.

caduceanadjective (a.) Of or belonging to Mercury's caduceus, or wand.

caduceusnoun (n.) The official staff or wand of Hermes or Mercury, the messenger of the gods. It was originally said to be a herald's staff of olive wood, but was afterwards fabled to have two serpents coiled about it, and two wings at the top.

caducibranchiateadjective (a.) With temporary gills: -- applied to those Amphibia in which the gills do not remain in adult life.

caducitynoun (n.) Tendency to fall; the feebleness of old age; senility.

cadukeadjective (a.) Perishable; frail; transitory.

cadynoun (n.) See Cadie.


English Words which starts with 'ca' and ends with 'an':

cabireannoun (n.) One of the Cabiri.

cabirianadjective (a.) Same as Cabiric.

caeciliannoun (n.) A limbless amphibian belonging to the order Caeciliae or Ophimorpha. See Ophiomorpha.

caesareanadjective (a.) Alt. of Caesarian

caesarianadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Caesar or the Caesars; imperial.

caftannoun (n.) A garment worn throughout the Levant, consisting of a long gown with sleeves reaching below the hands. It is generally fastened by a belt or sash.
 verb (v. t.) To clothe with a caftan.

calcedonianadjective (a.) See Chalcedonic.

caledoniannoun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Caledonia or Scotland.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Caledonia or Scotland; Scottish; Scotch.

californiannoun (n.) A native or inhabitant of California.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to California.

callithumpianadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a callithump.

callosanadjective (a.) Of the callosum.

cambriannoun (n.) A native of Cambria or Wales.
 noun (n.) The Cambrian formation.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Cambria or Wales.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the lowest subdivision of the rocks of the Silurian or Molluscan age; -- sometimes described as inferior to the Silurian. It is named from its development in Cambria or Wales. See the Diagram under Geology.

cameroniannoun (n.) A follower of the Rev. Richard Cameron, a Scotch Covenanter of the time of Charles II.

campanulariannoun (n.) A hydroid of the family ampanularidae, characterized by having the polyps or zooids inclosed in bell-shaped calicles or hydrothecae.

campestrianadjective (a.) Relating to an open fields; drowing in a field; growing in a field, or open ground.

canadiannoun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Canada.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Canada.

cancannoun (n.) A rollicking French dance, accompanied by indecorous or extravagant postures and gestures.

cancellareanadjective (a.) Cancellarean.

cantabrianadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Cantabria on the Bay of Biscay in Spain.

cantabrigiannoun (n.) A native or resident of Cambridge; esp. a student or graduate of the university of Cambridge, England.

capelannoun (n.) See Capelin.

capitolianadjective (a.) Alt. of Capitoline

capstannoun (n.) A vertical cleated drum or cylinder, revolving on an upright spindle, and surmounted by a drumhead with sockets for bars or levers. It is much used, especially on shipboard, for moving or raising heavy weights or exerting great power by traction upon a rope or cable, passing around the drum. It is operated either by steam power or by a number of men walking around the capstan, each pushing on the end of a lever fixed in its socket.

caravannoun (n.) A company of travelers, pilgrims, or merchants, organized and equipped for a long journey, or marching or traveling together, esp. through deserts and countries infested by robbers or hostile tribes, as in Asia or Africa.
 noun (n.) A large, covered wagon, or a train of such wagons, for conveying wild beasts, etc., for exhibition; an itinerant show, as of wild beasts.
 noun (n.) A covered vehicle for carrying passengers or for moving furniture, etc.; -- sometimes shorted into van.

caribbeanadjective (a.) Alt. of Caribbee

carlovingianadjective (a.) Pertaining to, founded by, of descended from, Charlemagne; as, the Carlovingian race of kings.

carmannoun (n.) A man whose employment is to drive, or to convey goods in, a car or car.

carneliannoun (n.) A variety of chalcedony, of a clear, deep red, flesh red, or reddish white color. It is moderately hard, capable of a good polish, and often used for seals.

caroliniannoun (n.) A native or inhabitant of north or South Carolina.

carpathianadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a range of mountains in Austro-Hungary, called the Carpathians, which partially inclose Hungary on the north, east, and south.

cartesiannoun (n.) An adherent of Descartes.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the French philosopher Rene Descartes, or his philosophy.

carthaginiannoun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Carthage.
 adjective (a.) Of a pertaining to ancient Carthage, a city of northern Africa.

carthusiannoun (n.) A member of an exceeding austere religious order, founded at Chartreuse in France by St. Bruno, in the year 1086.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to the Carthusian.

cartmannoun (n.) One who drives or uses a cart; a teamster; a carter.

cassicannoun (n.) An American bird of the genus Cassicus, allied to the starlings and orioles, remarkable for its skillfully constructed and suspended nest; the crested oriole. The name is also sometimes given to the piping crow, an Australian bird.

castalianadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Castalia, a mythical fountain of inspiration on Mt. Parnassus sacred to the Muses.

castellannoun (n.) A governor or warden of a castle.

castiliannoun (n.) An inhabitant or native of Castile, in Spain.
 noun (n.) The Spanish language as spoken in Castile.

castillanadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Castile, in Spain.

castrensianadjective (a.) Castrensial.

cataiannoun (n.) A native of Cathay or China; a foreigner; -- formerly a term of reproach.

catalannoun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Catalonia; also, the language of Catalonia.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Catalonia.

catamarannoun (n.) A kind of raft or float, consisting of two or more logs or pieces of wood lashed together, and moved by paddles or sail; -- used as a surf boat and for other purposes on the coasts of the East and West Indies and South America. Modified forms are much used in the lumber regions of North America, and at life-saving stations.
 noun (n.) Any vessel with twin hulls, whether propelled by sails or by steam; esp., one of a class of double-hulled pleasure boats remarkable for speed.
 noun (n.) A kind of fire raft or torpedo bat.
 noun (n.) A quarrelsome woman; a scold.

catenarianadjective (a.) Relating to a chain; like a chain; as, a catenary curve.

caterannoun (n.) A Highland robber: a kind of irregular soldier.

catilinarianadjective (a.) Pertaining to Catiline, the Roman conspirator; resembling Catiline's conspiracy.

catonianadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, the stern old Roman, Cato the Censor; severe; inflexible.

caucasiannoun (n.) A native or inhabitant of the Caucasus, esp. a Circassian or Georgian.
 noun (n.) A member of any of the white races of mankind.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Caucasus, a mountainous region between the Black and Caspian seas.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the white races of mankind, of whom the people about Mount Caucasus were formerly taken as the type.

cavalrymannoun (n.) One of a body of cavalry.

caymannoun (n.) The south America alligator. See Alligator.