Name Report For First Name ASURA:


First name ASURA's origin is African. ASURA means "swahili and hausa name for female children born during the muslim month of ashur". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with ASURA below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of asura.(Brown names are of the same origin (African) with ASURA and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with ASURA - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming ASURA



NAMES RHYMING WITH ASURA (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (sura) - Names That Ends with sura:

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ura) - Names That Ends with ura:

iyangura katura sanura zuhura noura shukura azura isaura saura maura menkaura runihura allura frescura laura nura pura sakura taura ventura youra yura aura alura ketura

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (ra) - Names That Ends with ra:

aurora azmera chinara efra japera nadra tandra estra moira soumra adra aludra alzubra badra bahira bushra johara nasira samira thara' yusra gadara adora chamorra senora thora dendera kakra mukamutara mukantagara sagira subira zahra ceara abdera aethra aldara ara astra calandra cassandra cleopatra clytemnestra cynara cyra cythera deianira dora electra fedora hemera hera hilaeira hydra hypermnestra isadora kleopatra lysandra madora marmara metanira musidora pandora phaedra pheodora sapphira theodora theora thera vara adira afra zemira candra chaitra

NAMES RHYMING WITH ASURA (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (asur) - Names That Begins with asur:

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (asu) - Names That Begins with asu:

asucena asuncion

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (as) - Names That Begins with as:

asa asabi asad asadel asaf asante asaph asayleus ascalaphus ascencion ascot ascott asdza aselma asenka asenke asentzio asfour asfoureh ash asha ashaad ashaki ashar ashburn ashby ashelynn asher ashford ashia ashira ashkii ashla ashlan ashleah ashlee ashleen ashleena ashleigh ashlen ashley ashlie ashlin ashling ashlinn ashly ashlyn ashlynn ashlynne ashquar ashraf ashtaroth ashten ashtin ashton ashtyn ashur ashvik ashvin ashwin ashwyn asia asianne asif asil asim asima asklepios askook askuwheteau asliraf asmina asopus aspasia assaggi assan assana assane assefa asta astarte astennu asthore astolat astolpho astraea astrea astrid astyrian aswad aswan asya


First Names which starts with 'as' and ends with 'ra':

First Names which starts with 'a' and ends with 'a':

aala aaleahya aarika aarshiya aashka aasiya abba abda abdalla abdulla abeba abelia abella abellona abena abequa aberfa abhaya abia abida abisha abjaja abra abraha abriana abrianna acacia academia acantha acca acharya acima ada adaira adairia adalbrechta adalgisa adalheida adalia adalicia adalwolfa adama adamina adana adanna adara adda addula adeela adela adelajda adelia adelina adelinda adelisa adelita adella adelpha adena adeola adharma adia adianna adiba adiella adila adima adina adisa aditya adiva adjoa admeta admina adolpha adoncia adonia adowa adreana adreanna adriana adrianna adsaluta adsila adwoa adya aeaea aegina aeldra aenedlea aerwyna aethelha aethelreda aetna afafa afia afina afraima afreda africa

English Words Rhyming ASURA


asuranoun (n.) An enemy of the gods, esp. one of a race of demons and giants.

commeasurableadjective (a.) Having the same measure; commensurate; proportional.

immeasurabilitynoun (n.) The quality of being immeasurable; immensurability.

immeasurableadjective (a.) Incapble of being measured; indefinitely extensive; illimitable; immensurable; vast.

immeasurablenessnoun (n.) The state or quality of being immeasurable.

measurableadjective (a.) Capable of being measured; susceptible of mensuration or computation.
 adjective (a.) Moderate; temperate; not excessive.

pleasurableadjective (a.) Capable of affording pleasure or satisfaction; gratifying; abounding in pleasantness or pleasantry.

unmeasurableadjective (a.) Immeasurable.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH ASURA (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (sura) - English Words That Ends with sura:

caesuranoun (n.) A metrical break in a verse, occurring in the middle of a foot and commonly near the middle of the verse; a sense pause in the middle of a foot. Also, a long syllable on which the caesural accent rests, or which is used as a foot.

cesuranoun (n.) See Caesura.

suranoun (n.) One of the sections or chapters of the Koran, which are one hundred and fourteen in number.

xiphosuranoun (n. pl.) See Xiphura.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ura) - English Words That Ends with ura:

acciaccaturanoun (n.) A short grace note, one semitone below the note to which it is prefixed; -- used especially in organ music. Now used as equivalent to the short appoggiatura.

amphineuranoun (n. pl.) A division of Mollusca remarkable for the bilateral symmetry of the organs and the arrangement of the nerves.

anisopleuranoun (n. pl.) A primary division of gastropods, including those having spiral shells. The two sides of the body are unequally developed.

anomuranoun (n. pl.) Alt. of Anomoura

anomouranoun (n. pl.) A group of decapod Crustacea, of which the hermit crab in an example.

anopluranoun (n. pl.) A group of insects which includes the lice.

anouranoun (n.) See Anura.

anuranoun (n. pl.) One of the orders of amphibians characterized by the absence of a tail, as the frogs and toads.

appoggiaturanoun (n.) A passing tone preceding an essential tone, and borrowing the time it occupies from that; a short auxiliary or grace note one degree above or below the principal note unless it be of the same harmony; -- generally indicated by a note of smaller size, as in the illustration above. It forms no essential part of the harmony.

arthropleuranoun (n.) The side or limb-bearing portion of an arthromere.

auranoun (n.) Any subtile, invisible emanation, effluvium, or exhalation from a substance, as the aroma of flowers, the odor of the blood, a supposed fertilizing emanation from the pollen of flowers, etc.
 noun (n.) The peculiar sensation, as of a light vapor, or cold air, rising from the trunk or limbs towards the head, a premonitory symptom of epilepsy or hysterics.

brachyuranoun (n. pl.) A group of decapod Crustacea, including the common crabs, characterized by a small and short abdomen, which is bent up beneath the large cephalo-thorax. [Also spelt Brachyoura.] See Crab, and Illustration in Appendix.

branchiuranoun (n. pl.) A group of Entomostraca, with suctorial mouths, including species parasitic on fishes, as the carp lice (Argulus).

bravuranoun (n.) A florid, brilliant style of music, written for effect, to show the range and flexibility of a singer's voice, or the technical force and skill of a performer; virtuoso music.

cheluranoun (n.) A genus of marine amphipod crustacea, which bore into and sometimes destroy timber.

cinuranoun (n. pl.) The group of Thysanura which includes Lepisma and allied forms; the bristletails. See Bristletail, and Lepisma.

cruranoun (n. pl.) See Crus.
  (pl. ) of Crus

caelaturanoun (n.) Art of producing metal decorative work other than statuary, as reliefs, intaglios, engraving, chasing, etc.

daturanoun (n.) A genus of solanaceous plants, with large funnel-shaped flowers and a four-celled, capsular fruit.

douranoun (n.) A kind of millet. See Durra.

duranoun (n.) Short form for Dura mater.

endopleuranoun (n.) The inner coating of a seed. See Tegmen.

eudipleuranoun (n. pl.) The fundamental forms of organic life, that are composed of two equal and symmetrical halves.

euthyneuranoun (n. pl.) A large division of gastropod molluske, including the Pulmonifera and Opisthobranchiata.

gastruranoun (n. pl.) See Stomatopoda.

gouranoun (n.) One of several species of large, crested ground pigeons of the genus Goura, inhabiting New Guinea and adjacent islands. The Queen Victoria pigeon (Goura Victoria) and the crowned pigeon (G. coronata) are among the beat known species.

haminuranoun (n.) A large edible river fish (Erythrinus macrodon) of Guiana.

isopleuranoun (n. pl.) A subclass of Gastropoda, in which the body is symmetrical, the right and left sides being equal.

juranoun (n.) 1. A range of mountains between France and Switzerland.
 noun (n.) The Jurassic period. See Jurassic.

lauranoun (n.) A number of hermitages or cells in the same neighborhood occupied by anchorites who were under the same superior.

legaturanoun (n.) A tie or brace; a syncopation.

macrouraadjective (a.) Alt. of Macroural

macruranoun (n. pl.) A subdivision of decapod Crustacea, having the abdomen largely developed. It includes the lobster, prawn, shrimp, and many similar forms. Cf. Decapoda.

misturanoun (n.) A mingled compound in which different ingredients are contained in a liquid state; a mixture. See Mixture, n., 4.
 noun (n.) Sometimes, a liquid medicine containing very active substances, and which can only be administered by drops.

myeloneuranoun (n. pl.) The Vertebrata.

ophiuranoun (n.) A genus of ophiurioid starfishes.

parapleuranoun (n.) A chitinous piece between the metasternum and the pleuron of certain insects.

picturanoun (n.) Pattern of coloration.

pleuranoun (n.) pl. of Pleuron.
 noun (n. fem.) The smooth serous membrane which closely covers the lungs and the adjacent surfaces of the thorax; the pleural membrane.
 noun (n. fem.) The closed sac formed by the pleural membrane about each lung, or the fold of membrane connecting each lung with the body wall.
 noun (n. fem.) Same as Pleuron.
  (pl. ) of Pleuron

poduranoun (n.) Any small leaping thysanurous insect of the genus Podura and related genera; a springtail.

purpuranoun (n.) A disease characterized by livid spots on the skin from extravasated blood, with loss of muscular strength, pain in the limbs, and mental dejection; the purples.
 noun (n.) A genus of marine gastropods, usually having a rough and thick shell. Some species yield a purple dye.

rhabdopleuranoun (n.) A genus of marine Bryozoa in which the tubular cells have a centralchitinous axis and the tentacles are borne on a bilobed lophophore. It is the type of the order Pterobranchia, or Podostomata

streptoneuranoun (n. pl.) An extensive division of gastropod Mollusca in which the loop or visceral nerves is twisted, and the sexes separate. It is nearly to equivalent to Prosobranchiata.

tarsiaturanoun (n.) A kind of mosaic in woodwork, much employed in Italy in the fifteenth century and later, in which scrolls and arabesques, and sometimes architectural scenes, landscapes, fruits, flowers, and the like, were produced by inlaying pieces of wood of different colors and shades into panels usually of walnut wood.

thysanuranoun (n. pl.) An order of wingless hexapod insects which have setiform caudal appendages, either bent beneath the body to form a spring, or projecting as bristles. It comprises the Cinura, or bristletails, and the Collembola, or springtails. Called also Thysanoura. See Lepisma, and Podura.

vetturanoun (n.) An Italian four-wheeled carriage, esp. one let for hire; a hackney coach.

xiphuranoun (n. pl.) Same as Limuloidea. Called also Xiphosura.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH ASURA (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (asur) - Words That Begins with asur:

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (asu) - Words That Begins with asu:


English Words which starts with 'as' and ends with 'ra':