First Names Rhyming SUBIRA
English Words Rhyming SUBIRA
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH SUBİRA (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (ubira) - English Words That Ends with ubira:
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (bira) - English Words That Ends with bira:
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ira) - English Words That Ends with ira:
daira | noun (n.) Any of several valuable estates of the Egyptian khedive or his family. The most important are the Da"i*ra Sa"ni*eh (/), or Sa"ni*yeh, and the Da"i*ra Khas"sa, administered by the khedive's European bondholders, and known collectively as the Daira, or the Daira estates. |
epeira | noun (n.) A genus of spiders, including the common garden spider (E. diadema). They spin geometrical webs. See Garden spider. |
hegira | noun (n.) The flight of Mohammed from Mecca, September 13, A. D. 622 (subsequently established as the first year of the Moslem era); hence, any flight or exodus regarded as like that of Mohammed. |
hejira | noun (n.) See Hegira. |
hetaira | noun (n.) A female paramour; a mistress, concubine, or harlot. |
ichthyophthira | noun (n. pl.) A division of copepod crustaceans, including numerous species parasitic on fishes. |
lira | noun (n.) An Italian coin equivalent in value to the French franc. |
madeira | noun (n.) A rich wine made on the Island of Madeira. |
mira | noun (n.) A remarkable variable star in the constellation Cetus (/ Ceti). |
moira | noun (n.) The deity who assigns to every man his lot. |
taira | noun (n.) Same as Tayra. |
vondsira | noun (n.) Same as Vansire. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH SUBİRA (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (subir) - Words That Begins with subir:
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (subi) - Words That Begins with subi:
subimago | noun (n.) A stage in the development of certain insects, such as the May flies, intermediate between the pupa and imago. In this stage, the insect is able to fly, but subsequently sheds a skin before becoming mature. Called also pseudimago. |
subincusation | noun (n.) A slight charge or accusation. |
subindex | noun (n.) A number or mark placed opposite the lower part of a letter or symbol to distinguish the symbol; thus, a0, b1, c2, xn, have 0, 1, 2, and n as subindices. |
subindication | noun (n.) The act of indicating by signs; a slight indication. |
subindividual | noun (n.) A division of that which is individual. |
subinfeudation | noun (n.) The granting of lands by inferior lords to their dependents, to be held by themselves by feudal tenure. |
| noun (n.) Subordinate tenancy; undertenancy. |
subingression | noun (n.) Secret entrance. |
subintestinal | adjective (a.) Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the intestine. |
subinvolution | noun (n.) Partial or incomplete involution; as, subinvolution of the uterus. |
subitaneous | adjective (a.) Sudden; hasty. |
subitany | adjective (a.) Subitaneous; sudden; hasty. |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (sub) - Words That Begins with sub:
sub | noun (n.) A subordinate; a subaltern. |
subacid | noun (n.) A substance moderately acid. |
| adjective (a.) Moderately acid or sour; as, some plants have subacid juices. |
subacrid | adjective (a.) Moderalely acrid or harsh. |
subacromial | adjective (a.) Situated beneath the acromial process of the scapula. |
subaction | noun (n.) The act of reducing to any state, as of mixing two bodies combletely. |
subacute | adjective (a.) Moderalely acute. |
subaduncate | adjective (a.) Somewhat hooked or curved. |
subadvocate | noun (n.) An under or subordinate advocate. |
subaerial | adjective (a.) Beneath the sky; in the open air; specifically (Geol.), taking place on the earth's surface, as opposed to subaqueous. |
subagency | noun (n.) A subordinate agency. |
subagent | noun (n.) A person employed by an agent to transact the whole, or a part, of the business intrusted to the latter. |
subagitation | noun (n.) Unlawful sexual intercourse. |
subash | noun (n.) A province; a government, as of a viceroy; also, a subahdar. |
subashdar | noun (n.) A viceroy; a governor of a subah; also, a native captain in the British native army. |
subashdary | noun (n.) Alt. of Subashship |
subashship | noun (n.) The office or jurisdiction of a subahdar. |
subalmoner | noun (n.) An under almoner. |
subalpine | adjective (a.) Inhabiting the somewhat high slopes and summits of mountains, but considerably below the snow line. |
subaltern | noun (n.) A person holding a subordinate position; specifically, a commissioned military officer below the rank of captain. |
| noun (n.) A subaltern proposition. |
| adjective (a.) Ranked or ranged below; subordinate; inferior; specifically (Mil.), ranking as a junior officer; being below the rank of captain; as, a subaltern officer. |
| adjective (a.) Asserting only a part of what is asserted in a related proposition. |
subalternant | noun (n.) A universal proposition. See Subaltern, 2. |
subalternate | noun (n.) A particular proposition, as opposed to a universal one. See Subaltern, 2. |
| adjective (a.) Succeeding by turns; successive. |
| adjective (a.) Subordinate; subaltern; inferior. |
subalternating | adjective (a.) Subalternate; successive. |
subalternation | noun (n.) The state of being subalternate; succession of turns; subordination. |
subangular | adjective (a.) Slightly angular. |
subapennine | adjective (a.) Under, or at the foot of, the Apennine mountains; -- applied, in geology, to a series of Tertiary strata of the older Pliocene period. |
subapical | adjective (a.) Being under the apex; of or pertaining to the part just below the apex. |
subaquaneous | adjective (a.) Subaqueous. |
subaquatic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Subaqueous |
subaqueous | adjective (a.) Being under water, or beneath the surface of water; adapted for use under water; submarine; as, a subaqueous helmet. |
| adjective (a.) Formed in or under water; as, subaqueous deposits. |
subarachnoid | adjective (a.) Alt. of Subarachnoidal |
subarachnoidal | adjective (a.) Situated under the arachnoid membrane. |
subarctic | adjective (a.) Approximately arctic; belonging to a region just without the arctic circle. |
subarcuate | adjective (a.) Alt. of Subarcuated |
subarcuated | adjective (a.) Having a figure resembling that of a bow; somewhat curved or arched. |
subarration | noun (n.) The ancient custom of betrothing by the bestowal, on the part of the man, of marriage gifts or tokens, as money, rings, or other presents, upon the woman. |
subarytenoid | adjective (a.) Situated under the arytenoid cartilage of the larynx. |
subastral | adjective (a.) Beneath the stars or heavens; terrestrial. |
subastringent | adjective (a.) Somewhat astringent. |
subatom | noun (n.) A hypothetical component of a chemical atom, on the theory that the elements themselves are complex substances; -- called also atomicule. |
subaudition | noun (n.) The act of understanding, or supplying, something not expressed; also, that which is so understood or supplied. |
subaxillary | adjective (a.) Situated under the axilla, or armpit. |
| adjective (a.) Placed under the axil, or angle formed by the branch of a plant with the stem, or a leaf with the branch. |
subbasal | adjective (a.) Near the base. |
subbeadle | noun (n.) An under beadle. |
subbrachial | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the subbrachians. |
subbrachiales | noun (n. pl.) A division of soft-finned fishes in which the ventral fins are situated beneath the pectorial fins, or nearly so. |
subbrachian | noun (n.) One of the Subbrachiales. |
subbreed | noun (n.) A race or strain differing in certain characters from the parent breed; an incipient breed. |
subbronchial | adjective (a.) Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the bronchi; as, the subbronchial air sacs of birds. |
subcaliber | adjective (a.) Smaller than the caliber of a firearm. |
subcarboniferous | noun (n.) The Subcarboniferous period or formation. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the lowest division of the Carboniferous formations underlying the proper coal measures. It was a marine formation characterized in general by beds of limestone. |
English Words which starts with 'su' and ends with 'ra':
sudra | noun (n.) The lowest of the four great castes among the Hindoos. See Caste. |
sura | noun (n.) One of the sections or chapters of the Koran, which are one hundred and fourteen in number. |
sutra | noun (n.) A precept; an aphorism; a brief rule. |
| noun (n.) A collection of such aphorisms. |
| noun (n.) A body of Hindoo literature containing aphorisms on grammar, meter, law, and philosophy, and forming a connecting link between the Vedic and later Sanscrit literature. |