First Names Rhyming SULLIVAN
English Words Rhyming SULLIVAN
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH SULLİVAN (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 7 Letters (ullivan) - English Words That Ends with ullivan:
Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (llivan) - English Words That Ends with llivan:
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (livan) - English Words That Ends with livan:
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (ivan) - English Words That Ends with ivan:
divan | noun (n.) A book; esp., a collection of poems written by one author; as, the divan of Hafiz. |
| noun (n.) In Turkey and other Oriental countries: A council of state; a royal court. Also used by the poets for a grand deliberative council or assembly. |
| noun (n.) A chief officer of state. |
| noun (n.) A saloon or hall where a council is held, in Oriental countries, the state reception room in places, and in the houses of the richer citizens. Cushions on the floor or on benches are ranged round the room. |
| noun (n.) A cushioned seat, or a large, low sofa or couch; especially, one fixed to its place, and not movable. |
| noun (n.) A coffee and smoking saloon. |
sivan | noun (n.) The third month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year; -- supposed to correspond nearly with our month of June. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (van) - English Words That Ends with van:
caravan | noun (n.) A company of travelers, pilgrims, or merchants, organized and equipped for a long journey, or marching or traveling together, esp. through deserts and countries infested by robbers or hostile tribes, as in Asia or Africa. |
| noun (n.) A large, covered wagon, or a train of such wagons, for conveying wild beasts, etc., for exhibition; an itinerant show, as of wild beasts. |
| noun (n.) A covered vehicle for carrying passengers or for moving furniture, etc.; -- sometimes shorted into van. |
cordovan | noun (n.) Same as Cordwain. In England the name is applied to leather made from horsehide. |
elvan | noun (n.) Alt. of Elvanite |
| adjective (a.) Pertaining to elves; elvish. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to certain veins of feldspathic or porphyritic rock crossing metalliferous veins in the mining districts of Cornwall; as, an elvan course. |
genevan | noun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Geneva. |
| noun (n.) A supported of Genevanism. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Geneva, in Switzerland; Genevese. |
pavan | noun (n.) A stately and formal Spanish dance for which full state costume is worn; -- so called from the resemblance of its movements to those of the peacock. |
silvan | noun (n.) See Sylvanium. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to woods; composed of woods or groves; woody. |
sylvan | noun (n.) A liquid hydrocarbon obtained together with furfuran (tetrol) by the distillation of pine wood; -- called also methyl tetrol, or methyl furfuran. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a sylva; forestlike; hence, rural; rustic. |
| adjective (a.) Abounding in forests or in trees; woody. |
| adjective (a.) A fabled deity of the wood; a satyr; a faun; sometimes, a rustic. |
van | noun (n.) The front of an army; the first line or leading column; also, the front line or foremost division of a fleet, either in sailing or in battle. |
| noun (n.) A shovel used in cleansing ore. |
| noun (n.) A light wagon, either covered or open, used by tradesmen and others fore the transportation of goods. |
| noun (n.) A large covered wagon for moving furniture, etc., also for conveying wild beasts, etc., for exhibition. |
| noun (n.) A close railway car for baggage. See the Note under Car, 2. |
| noun (n.) A fan or other contrivance, as a sieve, for winnowing grain. |
| noun (n.) A wing with which the air is beaten. |
| verb (v. t.) To wash or cleanse, as a small portion of ore, on a shovel. |
| verb (v. t.) To fan, or to cleanse by fanning; to winnow. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH SULLİVAN (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 7 Letters (sulliva) - Words That Begins with sulliva:
Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (sulliv) - Words That Begins with sulliv:
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (sulli) - Words That Begins with sulli:
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (sull) - Words That Begins with sull:
sullage | noun (n.) Drainage of filth; filth collected from the street or highway; sewage. |
| noun (n.) That which sullies or defiles. |
| noun (n.) The scoria on the surface of molten metal in the ladle. |
| noun (n.) Silt; mud deposited by water. |
sullen | noun (n.) One who is solitary, or lives alone; a hermit. |
| noun (n.) Sullen feelings or manners; sulks; moroseness; as, to have the sullens. |
| adjective (a.) Lonely; solitary; desolate. |
| adjective (a.) Gloomy; dismal; foreboding. |
| adjective (a.) Mischievous; malignant; unpropitious. |
| adjective (a.) Gloomily angry and silent; cross; sour; affected with ill humor; morose. |
| adjective (a.) Obstinate; intractable. |
| adjective (a.) Heavy; dull; sluggish. |
| verb (v. t.) To make sullen or sluggish. |
sullying | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Sully |
sully | noun (n.) Soil; tarnish; stain. |
| verb (v. t.) To soil; to dirty; to spot; to tarnish; to stain; to darken; -- used literally and figuratively; as, to sully a sword; to sully a person's reputation. |
| verb (v. i.) To become soiled or tarnished. |
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (sul) - Words That Begins with sul:
sula | noun (n.) A genus of sea birds including the booby and the common gannet. |
sulcate | adjective (a.) Alt. of Sulcated |
sulcated | adjective (a.) Scored with deep and regular furrows; furrowed or grooved; as, a sulcated stem. |
sulcation | noun (n.) A channel or furrow. |
sulciform | adjective (a.) Having the form of a sulcus; as, sulciform markings. |
sulcus | noun (n.) A furrow; a groove; a fissure. |
sulk | noun (n.) A furrow. |
| verb (v. i.) To be silently sullen; to be morose or obstinate. |
sulker | noun (n.) One who sulks. |
sulkiness | noun (n.) The quality or state of being sulky; sullenness; moroseness; as, sulkiness of disposition. |
sulks | noun (n. pl.) The condition of being sulky; a sulky mood or humor; as, to be in the sulks. |
sulky | noun (n.) Moodly silent; sullen; sour; obstinate; morose; splenetic. |
| adjective (a.) A light two-wheeled carriage for a single person. |
sulphacid | noun (n.) An acid in which, to a greater or less extent, sulphur plays a part analogous to that of oxygen in an oxyacid; thus, thiosulphuric and sulpharsenic acids are sulphacids; -- called also sulphoacid. See the Note under Acid, n., 2. |
sulphamate | noun (n.) A salt of sulphamic acid. |
sulphamic | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a sulphamide; derived from, or related to, a sulphamide; specifically, designating an amido acid derivative, NH2.SO2.OH, of sulphuric acid (analogous to sulphonic acid) which is not known in the free state, but is known in its salts. |
sulphamide | noun (n.) Any one of a series of amido compounds obtained by treating sulphuryl chloride with various amines. |
sulphanilic | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, an anilene sulphonic acid which is obtained as a white crystalline substance. |
sulphantimonate | noun (n.) A salt of sulphantimonic acid. |
sulphantimonic | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, a hypothetical sulphacid of antimony (called also thioantimonic acid) analogous to sulpharsenic acid. |
sulphantimonious | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, a hypothetical sulphacid of antimony (called also thioantimonious acid) analogous to sulpharsenious acid. |
sulphantimonite | noun (n.) A salt of sulphantimonious acid. |
sulpharsenate | noun (n.) A salt of sulpharsenic acid. |
sulpharsenic | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, a hypothetical sulphacid (called also thioarsenic acid) analogous to arsenic acid, and known only in its salts. |
sulpharsenious | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, a hypothetical sulphacid (called also thioarsenious acid) analogous to arsenious acid, and known only in its salts. |
sulpharsenite | noun (n.) A salt of sulpharsenious acid. |
sulphate | noun (n.) A salt of sulphuric acid. |
sulphatic | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, resembling, or containing, a sulphate or sulphates. |
sulphaurate | noun (n.) A salt of sulphauric acid. |
sulphauric | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, a hypothetical sulphacid of gold (aurum), known only in its salts. |
sulphide | noun (n.) A binary compound of sulphur, or one so regarded; -- formerly called sulphuret. |
sulphinate | noun (n.) A salt of a sulphinic acid. |
sulphindigotic | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, a sulphonic acid obtained, as a blue solution, by dissolving indigo in sulphuric acid; -- formerly called also cerulic sulphuric acid, but properly called indigo-disulphonic acid. |
sulphine | noun (n.) Any one of a series of basic compounds which consist essentially of sulphur united with hydrocarbon radicals. In general they are oily or crystalline deliquescent substances having a peculiar odor; as, trimethyl sulphine, (CH3)3S.OH. Cf. Sulphonium. |
sulphinic | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, any one of a series of acids regarded as acid ethereal salts of hyposulphurous acid; as, methyl sulphinic acid, CH3.SO.OH, a thick unstable liquid. |
sulphinide | noun (n.) A white or yellowish crystalline substance, C6H4.(SO2.CO).NH, produced artificially by the oxidation of a sulphamic derivative of toluene. It is the sweetest substance known, having over two hundred times the sweetening power of sugar, and is known in commerce under the name of saccharine. It has acid properties and forms salts (which are inaccurately called saccharinates). |
sulphion | noun (n.) A hypothetical radical, SO4, regarded as forming the acid or negative constituent of sulphuric acid and the sulphates in electrolytic decomposition; -- so called in accordance with the binary theory of salts. |
sulphionide | noun (n.) A binary compound of sulphion, or one so regarded; thus, sulphuric acid, H/SO/, is a sulphionide. |
sulphite | noun (n.) A salt of sulphurous acid. |
| noun (n.) A person who is spontaneous and original in his habits of thought and conversation. |
sulphoarsenic | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or containing, sulphur and arsenic; -- said of an acid which is the same as arsenic acid with the substitution of sulphur for oxygen. |
sulphocarbonate | noun (n.) A salt of sulphocarbonic acid; a thiocarbonate. |
sulphocarbonic | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, a sulphacid, H2CSO2 (called also thiocarbonic acid), or an acid, H2CS3, analogous to carbonic acid, obtained as a yellow oily liquid of a pungent odor, and forming salts. |
sulphocyanate | noun (n.) A salt of sulphocyanic acid; -- also called thiocyanate, and formerly inaccurately sulphocyanide. |
sulphocyanic | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, derived from, or designating, a sulphacid, HSCN, analogous to cyanic acid, and obtained as a colorless deliquescent crystalline substance, having a bitter saline taste, and not poisonous. |
sulphocyanide | noun (n.) See Sulphocyanate. |
sulphocyanogen | noun (n.) See Persulphocyanogen. |
sulphonal | noun (n.) A substance employed as a hypnotic, produced by the union of mercaptan and acetone. |
sulphonate | noun (n.) A salt of sulphonic acid. |
sulphone | noun (n.) Any one of a series of compounds analogous to the ketones, and consisting of the sulphuryl group united with two hydrocarbon radicals; as, dimethyl sulphone, (CH/)/.SO/. |
sulphonic | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, a sulphone; -- used specifically to designate any one of a series of acids (regarded as acid ethereal salts of sulphurous acid) obtained by the oxidation of the mercaptans, or by treating sulphuric acid with certain aromatic bases (as benzene); as, phenyl sulphonic acid, C6H5.SO2.OH, a stable colorless crystalline substance. |
sulphonium | noun (n.) A hypothetical radical, SH3, regarded as the type and nucleus of the sulphines. |
sulphophosphate | noun (n.) A salt of sulphophosphoric acid. |
English Words which starts with 'sul' and ends with 'van':
English Words which starts with 'su' and ends with 'an':
subbrachian | noun (n.) One of the Subbrachiales. |
subclavian | adjective (a.) Situated under the clavicle, or collar bone; as, the subclavian arteries. |
subdean | noun (n.) An under dean; the deputy or substitute of a dean. |
subhyoidean | adjective (a.) Situated or performed beneath the hyoid bone; as, subhyoidean laryngotomy. |
sublapsarian | noun (n. & a.) Same as Infralapsarian. |
sublibrarian | noun (n.) An under or assistant librarian. |
submedian | adjective (a.) Next to the median (on either side); as, the submedian teeth of mollusks. |
subtartarean | adjective (a.) Being or living under Tartarus; infernal. |
subterranean | adjective (a.) Alt. of Subterraneous |
suburban | noun (n.) One who dwells in the suburbs. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to suburbs; inhabiting, or being in, the suburbs of a city. |
suburbian | adjective (a.) Suburban. |
suburbicarian | adjective (a.) Alt. of Suburbicary |
suctorian | noun (n.) A cartilaginous fish with a mouth adapted for suction, as the lampery. |
| noun (n.) One of the Suctoria. |
suffragan | adjective (a.) Assisting; assistant; as, a suffragan bishop. |
| adjective (a.) An assistant. |
| adjective (a.) A bishop considered as an assistant, or as subject, to his metropolitan; an assistant bishop. |
sulpician | noun (n.) One of an order of priests established in France in 1642 to educate men for the ministry. The order was introduced soon afterwards into Canada, and in 1791 into the United States. |
sultan | noun (n.) A ruler, or sovereign, of a Mohammedan state; specifically, the ruler of the Turks; the Padishah, or Grand Seignior; -- officially so called. |
sumatran | noun (n.) A native of Sumatra. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Sumatra or its inhabitants. |
sumpitan | noun (n.) A kind of blowgun for discharging arrows, -- used by the savages of Borneo and adjacent islands. |
sundryman | noun (n.) One who deals in sundries, or a variety of articles. |
superhuman | adjective (a.) Above or beyond what is human; sometimes, divine; as, superhuman strength; superhuman wisdom. |
superterranean | adjective (a.) Being above ground. |
supralapsarian | noun (n.) One of that class of Calvinists who believed that God's decree of election determined that man should fall, in order that the opportunity might be furnished of securing the redemption of a part of the race, the decree of salvation being conceived of as formed before or beyond, and not after or following, the lapse, or fall. Cf. Infralapsarian. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Supralapsarians, or their doctrine. |
suprapubian | adjective (a.) Alt. of Suprapubic |
surfman | noun (n.) One who serves in a surfboat in the life-saving service. |
sumerian | noun (n.) A native of lower Babylonia, anciently called Sumer. |
| adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the region of lower Babylonia, which was anciently called Sumer, or its inhabitants or their language. |
superman | noun (n.) = Overman, above. |