First Names Rhyming GEOFFREY
English Words Rhyming GEOFFREY
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH GEOFFREY (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 7 Letters (eoffrey) - English Words That Ends with eoffrey:
Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (offrey) - English Words That Ends with offrey:
Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (ffrey) - English Words That Ends with ffrey:
Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (frey) - English Words That Ends with frey:
comfrey | noun (n.) A rough, hairy, perennial plant of several species, of the genus Symphytum. |
cumfrey | noun (n.) See Comfrey. |
palfrey | noun (n.) A saddle horse for the road, or for state occasions, as distinguished from a war horse. |
| noun (n.) A small saddle horse for ladies. |
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (rey) - English Words That Ends with rey:
archierey | noun (n.) The higher order of clergy in Russia, including metropolitans, archbishops, and bishops. |
drey | noun (n.) A squirrel's nest. See Dray. |
grey | adjective (a.) See Gray (the correct orthography). |
lamprey | noun (n.) An eel-like marsipobranch of the genus Petromyzon, and allied genera. The lampreys have a round, sucking mouth, without jaws, but set with numerous minute teeth, and one to three larger teeth on the palate (see Illust. of Cyclostomi). There are seven small branchial openings on each side. |
langarey | noun (n.) One of numerous species of long-winged, shrikelike birds of Australia and the East Indies, of the genus Artamus, and allied genera; called also wood swallow. |
murrey | noun (n.) A dark red color. |
| adjective (a.) Of a dark red color. |
ochrey | adjective (a.) See Ochery. |
orphrey | noun (n.) A band of rich embroidery, wholly or in part of gold, affixed to vestments, especially those of ecclesiastics. |
osprey | noun (n.) Alt. of Ospray |
prey | noun (n.) Anything, as goods, etc., taken or got by violence; anything taken by force from an enemy in war; spoil; booty; plunder. |
| noun (n.) That which is or may be seized by animals or birds to be devoured; hence, a person given up as a victim. |
| noun (n.) The act of devouring other creatures; ravage. |
| noun (n.) To take booty; to gather spoil; to ravage; to take food by violence. |
spurrey | noun (n.) See Spurry. |
storey | noun (n.) See Story. |
surrey | noun (n.) A four-wheeled pleasure carriage, (commonly two-seated) somewhat like a phaeton, but having a straight bottom. |
trey | noun (n.) Three, at cards, dice, or dominoes; a card, die, or domino of three spots or pips. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH GEOFFREY (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 7 Letters (geoffre) - Words That Begins with geoffre:
Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (geoffr) - Words That Begins with geoffr:
Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (geoff) - Words That Begins with geoff:
Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (geof) - Words That Begins with geof:
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (geo) - Words That Begins with geo:
geocentric | adjective (a.) Alt. of Geocentrical |
| adjective (a.) Alt. of Geocentrical |
geocentrical | adjective (a.) Having reference to the earth as center; in relation to or seen from the earth, -- usually opposed to heliocentric, as seen from the sun; as, the geocentric longitude or latitude of a planet. |
| adjective (a.) Having reference to the center of the earth. |
| adjective (a.) Having, considering, or based on, the earth as center; as, the geocentric theory of the universe. |
geocronite | noun (n.) A lead-gray or grayish blue mineral with a metallic luster, consisting of sulphur, antimony, and lead, with a small proportion of arsenic. |
geocyclic | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or illustrating, the revolutions of the earth; as, a geocyclic machine. |
| adjective (a.) Circling the earth periodically. |
geode | noun (n.) A nodule of stone, containing a cavity, lined with crystals or mineral matter. |
| noun (n.) The cavity in such a nodule. |
geodephagous | adjective (a.) Living in the earth; -- applied to the ground beetles. |
geodesic | noun (n.) A geodetic line or curve. |
| adjective (a.) Alt. of Geodesical |
geodesical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to geodesy; geodetic. |
geodesist | noun (n.) One versed in geodesy. |
geodesy | noun (n.) That branch of applied mathematics which determines, by means of observations and measurements, the figures and areas of large portions of the earth's surface, or the general figure and dimenshions of the earth; or that branch of surveying in which the curvature of the earth is taken into account, as in the surveys of States, or of long lines of coast. |
geodetic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Geodetical |
geodetical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to geodesy; obtained or determined by the operations of geodesy; engaged in geodesy; geodesic; as, geodetic surveying; geodetic observers. |
geodetics | noun (n.) Same as Geodesy. |
geodiferous | adjective (a.) Producing geodes; containing geodes. |
geoduck | noun (n.) A gigantic clam (Glycimeris generosa) of the Pacific coast of North America, highly valued as an article of food. |
geognosis | noun (n.) Knowledge of the earth. |
geognost | noun (n.) One versed in geognosy; a geologist. |
geognostic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Geognostical |
geognostical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to geognosy, or to a knowledge of the structure of the earth; geological. |
geognosy | noun (n.) That part of geology which treats of the materials of the earth's structure, and its general exterior and interior constitution. |
geogonic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Geogonical |
geogonical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to geogony, or to the formation of the earth. |
geogony | noun (n.) The branch of science which treats of the formation of the earth. |
geographer | noun (n.) One versed in geography. |
geographic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Geographical |
geographical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to geography. |
geography | noun (n.) The science which treats of the world and its inhabitants; a description of the earth, or a portion of the earth, including its structure, fetures, products, political divisions, and the people by whom it is inhabited. |
| noun (n.) A treatise on this science. |
geolatry | noun (n.) The worship of the earth. |
geologer | noun (n.) Alt. of Geologian |
geologian | noun (n.) A geologist. |
geologic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Geological |
geological | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to geology, or the science of the earth. |
geologist | noun (n.) One versed in the science of geology. |
geologizing | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Geologize |
geology | noun (n.) The science which treats: (a) Of the structure and mineral constitution of the globe; structural geology. (b) Of its history as regards rocks, minerals, rivers, valleys, mountains, climates, life, etc.; historical geology. (c) Of the causes and methods by which its structure, features, changes, and conditions have been produced; dynamical geology. See Chart of The Geological Series. |
| noun (n.) A treatise on the science. |
geomalism | noun (n.) The tendency of an organism to respond, during its growth, to the force of gravitation. |
geomancer | noun (n.) One who practices, or is versed in, geomancy. |
geomancy | noun (n.) A kind of divination by means of figures or lines, formed by little dots or points, originally on the earth, and latterly on paper. |
geomantic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Geomantical |
geomantical | adjective (a.) Pertaining or belonging to geomancy. |
geometer | noun (n.) One skilled in geometry; a geometrician; a mathematician. |
| noun (n.) Any species of geometrid moth; a geometrid. |
geometral | adjective (a.) Pertaining to geometry. |
geometric | adjective (a.) Alt. of Geometrical |
geometrical | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or according to the rules or principles of, geometry; determined by geometry; as, a geometrical solution of a problem. |
geometrician | noun (n.) One skilled in geometry; a geometer; a mathematician. |
geometrid | noun (n.) One of numerous genera and species of moths, of the family Geometridae; -- so called because their larvae (called loopers, measuring worms, spanworms, and inchworms) creep in a looping manner, as if measuring. Many of the species are injurious to agriculture, as the cankerworms. |
| adjective (a.) Pertaining or belonging to the Geometridae. |
geometrizing | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Geometrize |
geometry | noun (n.) That branch of mathematics which investigates the relations, properties, and measurement of solids, surfaces, lines, and angles; the science which treats of the properties and relations of magnitudes; the science of the relations of space. |
| noun (n.) A treatise on this science. |
geophagism | noun (n.) The act or habit of eating earth. See Dirt eating, under Dirt. |
geophagist | noun (n.) One who eats earth, as dirt, clay, chalk, etc. |
English Words which starts with 'geo' and ends with 'rey':
English Words which starts with 'ge' and ends with 'ey':