First name GENO's origin is Other. GENO means "white wave". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with GENO below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of geno.(Brown names are of the same origin (Other) with GENO and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)
First Names Rhyming GENO
agenor genoveva genowefaNAMES RHYMING WITH GENO (According to last letters):
Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (eno) - Names That Ends with eno:
celaeno stheno othieno neno jeno akeno eno galeno reno zeno xenoRhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (no) - Names That Ends with no:
ino orino shino halomtano hanomtano tano vaino arno arridano frontino gano zerbino delano kapono lono adriano armanno beniamino bruno ermanno danno kano kono alano aluino alvino angelino aquilino aureliano carlomagno chano cipriano constantino cristiano cyrano dino enno ezhno feliciano florentino gabino germano gino hanno juliano justino kuno laureano lauriano lenno luciano mano marcelino mariano martiniano martino meino roano romano sabino salvino sebastiano silvino stefano taurino urbano valentino victoriano victorino wynono carlino calvinoNAMES RHYMING WITH GENO (According to first letters):
Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (gen) - Names That Begins with gen:
genara genaya gene generosa generosb genesis genessa geneva geneve genevie genevieve genevra genevre genevyeve genisa genisia genisis genivee genna genny gentzaRhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ge) - Names That Begins with ge:
gear gearald gearoid geary geb gebre gechina gedaliah gedaly gedalya gedalyahu gedeon geedar geela geffrey gehard gelasia gelasius gelban geldersman gelsomina geltruda gemma geoff geoffrey geol geomar geor georg george georges georgeta georgetta georgette georgia georgiana georgine georgitte ger geraghty geraint gerald geraldina geraldine geraldo geralt geralyn geralynn geranium gerard gerardo gerd gerda gerde gerdie gere geremia gergo gerhard gerhardina gerhardine geri gerica gericka gerika gerlach germai germain germaine german germana germian gerold geron geronimo gerrald gerrard gerred gerrellNAMES BOTH FIRST AND LAST LETTERS RHYMING WITH GENO:
First Names which starts with 'g' and ends with 'o':
gabrielo gabrio gaho galileo galtero gervasio gervaso gherardo giacomo gilberto gillermo godfredo godofredo gogo gonzalo goro gradasso gregorio gualterio guedado guido guilio guillermo gustavoEnglish Words Rhyming GENO
abiogenous | adjective (a.) Produced by spontaneous generation. |
acrogenous | adjective (a.) Increasing by growth from the extremity; as, an acrogenous plant. |
ambigenous | adjective (a.) Of two kinds. |
adjective (a.) Partaking of two natures, as the perianth of some endogenous plants, where the outer surface is calycine, and the inner petaloid. |
amnigenous | adjective (a.) Born or bred in, of, or near a river. |
amphigenous | adjective (a.) Increasing in size by growth on all sides, as the lichens. |
antherogenous | adjective (a.) Transformed from anthers, as the petals of a double flower. |
autogenous | adjective (a.) Self-generated; produced independently. |
adjective (a.) Developed from an independent center of ossification. | |
adjective (a.) Autogenetic. |
adipogenous | adjective (a.) Producing fat. |
blennogenous | adjective (a.) Generating mucus. |
calcigenous | adjective (a.) Tending to form, or to become, a calx or earthlike substance on being oxidized or burnt; as magnesium, calcium. etc. |
caprigenous | adjective (a.) Of the goat kind. |
chondrigenous | adjective (a.) Affording chondrin. |
chromatogenous | adjective (a.) Producing color. |
collagenous | adjective (a.) Containing or resembling collagen. |
coralligenous | adjective (a.) producing coral; coralligerous; coralliferous. |
cytogenous | adjective (a.) Producing cells; -- applied esp. to lymphatic, or adenoid, tissue. |
digenous | adjective (a.) Sexually reproductive. |
endogenous | adjective (a.) Increasing by internal growth and elongation at the summit, instead of externally, and having no distinction of pith, wood, and bark, as the rattan, the palm, the cornstalk. |
adjective (a.) Originating from within; increasing by internal growth. |
entogenous | adjective (a.) See Endogenous. |
epileptogenous | adjective (a.) Producing epilepsy or epileptoid convulsions; -- applied to areas of the body or of the nervous system, stimulation of which produces convulsions. |
eugenol | noun (n.) A colorless, aromatic, liquid hydrocarbon, C10H12O2 resembling the phenols, and hence also called eugenic acid. It is found in the oils of pimento and cloves. |
exogenous | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or having the character of, an exogen; -- the opposite of endogenous. |
adjective (a.) Growing by addition to the exterior. | |
adjective (a.) Growing from previously ossified parts; -- opposed to autogenous. |
extogenous | adjective (a.) Exogenous. |
fibrinogenous | adjective (a.) Possessed of properties similar to fibrinogen; capable of forming fibrin. |
gelatigenous | noun (n.) Producing, or yielding, gelatin; gelatiniferous; as, the gelatigeneous tissues. |
genoese | noun (n. sing. & pl.) A native or inhabitant of Genoa; collectively, the people of Genoa. |
adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Genoa, a city of Italy. |
genouillere | noun (n.) A metal plate covering the knee. |
noun (n.) That part of a parapet which lies between the gun platform and the bottom of an embrasure. |
haematogenous | adjective (a.) Originating in the blood. |
halogenous | adjective (a.) Of the nature of a halogen. |
hepatogenous | adjective (a.) Arising from the liver; due to a condition of the liver; as, hepatogenic jaundice. |
heterogenous | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to heterogenesis; heterogenetic. |
homogenous | adjective (a.) Having a resemblance in structure, due to descent from a common progenitor with subsequent modification; homogenetic; -- applied both to animals and plants. See Homoplastic. |
hydrogenous | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to hydrogen; containing hydrogen. |
ignigenous | adjective (a.) Produced by the action of fire, as lava. |
indigenous | adjective (a.) Native; produced, growing, or living, naturally in a country or climate; not exotic; not imported. |
adjective (a.) Native; inherent; innate. |
kaligenous | adjective (a.) Forming alkalies with oxygen, as some metals. |
keratogenous | adjective (a.) Producing horn; as, the keratogenous membrane within the horny hoof of the horse. |
lithogenous | adjective (a.) Stone-producing; -- said of polyps which form coral. |
marigenous | adjective (a.) Produced in or by the sea. |
melligenous | adjective (a.) Having the qualities of honey. |
monogenous | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to monogenesis; as, monogenous, or asexual, reproduction. |
montigenous | adjective (a.) Produced on a mountain. |
mucigenous | adjective (a.) Connected with the formation of mucin; resembling mucin. |
nitrogenous | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, nitrogen; as, a nitrogenous principle; nitrogenous compounds. |
nonoxygenous | adjective (a.) Without oxygen; characterized by the absence of oxygen; as, a nonoxygenous alkaloid. |
nubigenous | adjective (a.) Born of, or produced from, clouds. |
omnigenous | adjective (a.) Consisting of all kinds. |
operculigenous | adjective (a.) Producing an operculum; -- said of the foot, or part of the foot, of certain mollusks. |
oxygenous | adjective (a.) Oxygenic. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH GENO (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (eno) - English Words That Ends with eno:
keno | noun (n.) A gambling game, a variety of the game of lotto, played with balls or knobs, numbered, and cards also numbered. |
leno | noun (n.) A light open cotton fabric used for window curtains. |
pieno | adjective (a.) Full; having all the instruments. |
ripieno | adjective (a.) Filling up; supplementary; supernumerary; -- a term applied to those instruments which only swell the mass or tutti of an orchestra, but are not obbligato. |
vargueno | noun (n.) A decorative cabinet, of a form originating in Spain, the body being rectangular and supported on legs or an ornamental framework and the front opening downwards on hinges to serve as a writing desk. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH GENO (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (gen) - Words That Begins with gen:
genappe | noun (n.) A worsted yarn or cord of peculiar smoothness, used in the manufacture of braid, fringe, etc. |
gendarme | noun (n.) One of a body of heavy cavalry. |
noun (n.) An armed policeman in France. |
gendarmery | noun (n.) The body of gendarmes. |
gender | noun (n.) Kind; sort. |
noun (n.) Sex, male or female. | |
noun (n.) A classification of nouns, primarily according to sex; and secondarily according to some fancied or imputed quality associated with sex. | |
noun (n.) To beget; to engender. | |
verb (v. i.) To copulate; to breed. |
gendering | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Gender |
genderless | adjective (a.) Having no gender. |
geneagenesis | noun (n.) Alternate generation. See under Generation. |
genealogic | adjective (a.) Genealogical. |
genealogical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to genealogy; as, a genealogical table; genealogical order. |
genealogist | noun (n.) One who traces genealogies or the descent of persons or families. |
genealogy | noun (n.) An account or history of the descent of a person or family from an ancestor; enumeration of ancestors and their children in the natural order of succession; a pedigree. |
noun (n.) Regular descent of a person or family from a progenitor; pedigree; lineage. |
genearch | noun (n.) The chief of a family or tribe. |
genera | noun (n. pl.) See Genus. |
(pl. ) of Genus |
generability | noun (n.) Capability of being generated. |
generable | adjective (a.) Capable of being generated or produced. |
general | adjective (a.) Relating to a genus or kind; pertaining to a whole class or order; as, a general law of animal or vegetable economy. |
adjective (a.) Comprehending many species or individuals; not special or particular; including all particulars; as, a general inference or conclusion. | |
adjective (a.) Not restrained or limited to a precise import; not specific; vague; indefinite; lax in signification; as, a loose and general expression. | |
adjective (a.) Common to many, or the greatest number; widely spread; prevalent; extensive, though not universal; as, a general opinion; a general custom. | |
adjective (a.) Having a relation to all; common to the whole; as, Adam, our general sire. | |
adjective (a.) As a whole; in gross; for the most part. | |
adjective (a.) Usual; common, on most occasions; as, his general habit or method. | |
adjective (a.) The whole; the total; that which comprehends or relates to all, or the chief part; -- opposed to particular. | |
adjective (a.) One of the chief military officers of a government or country; the commander of an army, of a body of men not less than a brigade. In European armies, the highest military rank next below field marshal. | |
adjective (a.) The roll of the drum which calls the troops together; as, to beat the general. | |
adjective (a.) The chief of an order of monks, or of all the houses or congregations under the same rule. | |
adjective (a.) The public; the people; the vulgar. |
generalia | noun (n. pl.) Generalities; general terms. |
generalissimo | adjective (a.) The chief commander of an army; especially, the commander in chief of an army consisting of two or more grand divisions under separate commanders; -- a title used in most foreign countries. |
generality | noun (n.) The state of being general; the quality of including species or particulars. |
noun (n.) That which is general; that which lacks specificalness, practicalness, or application; a general or vague statement or phrase. | |
noun (n.) The main body; the bulk; the greatest part; as, the generality of a nation, or of mankind. |
generalizable | adjective (a.) Capable of being generalized, or reduced to a general form of statement, or brought under a general rule. |
generalization | noun (n.) The act or process of generalizing; the act of bringing individuals or particulars under a genus or class; deduction of a general principle from particulars. |
noun (n.) A general inference. |
generalizing | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Generalize |
generalized | adjective (a.) Comprising structural characters which are separated in more specialized forms; synthetic; as, a generalized type. |
(imp. & p. p.) of Generalize |
generalizer | noun (n.) One who takes general or comprehensive views. |
generalness | noun (n.) The condition or quality of being general; frequency; commonness. |
generalship | noun (n.) The office of a general; the exercise of the functions of a general; -- sometimes, with the possessive pronoun, the personality of a general. |
noun (n.) Military skill in a general officer or commander. | |
noun (n.) Fig.: Leadership; management. |
generalty | noun (n.) Generality. |
generant | noun (n.) That which generates. |
noun (n.) A generatrix. | |
adjective (a.) Generative; producing | |
adjective (a.) acting as a generant. |
generating | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Generate |
generation | noun (n.) The act of generating or begetting; procreation, as of animals. |
noun (n.) Origination by some process, mathematical, chemical, or vital; production; formation; as, the generation of sounds, of gases, of curves, etc. | |
noun (n.) That which is generated or brought forth; progeny; offspiring. | |
noun (n.) A single step or stage in the succession of natural descent; a rank or remove in genealogy. Hence: The body of those who are of the same genealogical rank or remove from an ancestor; the mass of beings living at one period; also, the average lifetime of man, or the ordinary period of time at which one rank follows another, or father is succeeded by child, usually assumed to be one third of a century; an age. | |
noun (n.) Race; kind; family; breed; stock. | |
noun (n.) The formation or production of any geometrical magnitude, as a line, a surface, a solid, by the motion, in accordance with a mathematical law, of a point or a magnitude; as, the generation of a line or curve by the motion of a point, of a surface by a line, a sphere by a semicircle, etc. | |
noun (n.) The aggregate of the functions and phenomene which attend reproduction. |
generative | adjective (a.) Having the power of generating, propagating, originating, or producing. |
generator | noun (n.) One who, or that which, generates, begets, causes, or produces. |
noun (n.) An apparatus in which vapor or gas is formed from a liquid or solid by means of heat or chemical process, as a steam boiler, gas retort, or vessel for generating carbonic acid gas, etc. | |
noun (n.) The principal sound or sounds by which others are produced; the fundamental note or root of the common chord; -- called also generating tone. | |
noun (n.) Any machine that transforms mechanical into electrical energy; a dynamo. |
generatrix | noun (n.) That which generates; the point, or the mathematical magnitude, which, by its motion, generates another magnitude, as a line, surface, or solid; -- called also describent. |
generic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Generical |
generical | adjective (a.) Pertaining to a genus or kind; relating to a genus, as distinct from a species, or from another genus; as, a generic description; a generic difference; a generic name. |
adjective (a.) Very comprehensive; pertaining or appropriate to large classes or their characteristics; -- opposed to specific. |
genericalness | noun (n.) The quality of being generic. |
generification | noun (n.) The act or process of generalizing. |
generosity | noun (n.) Noble birth. |
noun (n.) The quality of being noble; noble-mindedness. | |
noun (n.) Liberality in giving; munificence. |
generous | adjective (a.) Of honorable birth or origin; highborn. |
adjective (a.) Exhibiting those qualities which are popularly reregarded as belonging to high birth; noble; honorable; magnanimous; spirited; courageous. | |
adjective (a.) Open-handed; free to give; not close or niggardly; munificent; as, a generous friend or father. | |
adjective (a.) Characterized by generosity; abundant; overflowing; as, a generous table. | |
adjective (a.) Full of spirit or strength; stimulating; exalting; as, generous wine. |
genesial | adjective (a.) Of or relating to generation. |
genesiolgy | noun (n.) The doctrine or science of generation. |
genesis | noun (n.) The act of producing, or giving birth or origin to anything; the process or mode of originating; production; formation; origination. |
noun (n.) The first book of the Old Testament; -- so called by the Greek translators, from its containing the history of the creation of the world and of the human race. | |
noun (n.) Same as Generation. |
genet | noun (n.) Alt. of Genette |
noun (n.) A small-sized, well-proportioned, Spanish horse; a jennet. |
genette | noun (n.) One of several species of small Carnivora of the genus Genetta, allied to the civets, but having the scent glands less developed, and without a pouch. |
noun (n.) The fur of the common genet (Genetta vulgaris); also, any skin dressed in imitation of this fur. |
genethliac | noun (n.) A birthday poem. |
noun (n.) One skilled in genethliacs. | |
adjective (a.) Pertaining to nativities; calculated by astrologers; showing position of stars at one's birth. |
genethliacal | adjective (a.) Genethliac. |
genethliacs | noun (n.) The science of calculating nativities, or predicting the future events of life from the stars which preside at birth. |
genethlialogy | noun (n.) Divination as to the destinies of one newly born; the act or art of casting nativities; astrology. |
genethliatic | noun (n.) One who calculates nativities. |
genetic | adjective (a.) Same as Genetical. |
English Words which starts with 'g' and ends with 'o':
gabbro | noun (n.) A name originally given by the Italians to a kind of serpentine, later to the rock called euphotide, and now generally used for a coarsely crystalline, igneous rock consisting of lamellar pyroxene (diallage) and labradorite, with sometimes chrysolite (olivine gabbro). |
galago | noun (n.) A genus of African lemurs, including numerous species. |
gallego | noun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Galicia, in Spain; a Galician. |
gardyloo | noun (n.) An old cry in throwing water, slops, etc., from the windows in Edingburgh. |
gaucho | noun (n.) One of the native inhabitants of the pampas, of Spanish-American descent. They live mostly by rearing cattle. |
noun (n.) A member of an Indian population, somewhat affected by Spanish blood, in the archipelagoes off the Chilean coast. |
gazeebo | noun (n.) A summerhouse so situated as to command an extensive prospect. |
gecko | noun (n.) Any lizard of the family Geckonidae. The geckoes are small, carnivorous, mostly nocturnal animals with large eyes and vertical, elliptical pupils. Their toes are generally expanded, and furnished with adhesive disks, by which they can run over walls and ceilings. They are numerous in warm countries, and a few species are found in Europe and the United States. See Wall gecko, Fanfoot. |
genio | noun (n.) A man of a particular turn of mind. |
gentoo | noun (n.) A native of Hindostan; a Hindoo. |
noun (n.) A penguin (Pygosceles taeniata). |
ghetto | noun (n.) The Jews'quarter in an Italian town or city. |
noun (n.) A quarter of a city where Jews live in greatest numbers. |
giallolino | noun (n.) A term variously employed by early writers on art, though commonly designating the yellow oxide of lead, or massicot. |
ginkgo | noun (n.) A large ornamental tree (Ginkgo biloba) from China and Japan, belonging to the Yew suborder of Coniferae. Its leaves are so like those of some maidenhair ferns, that it is also called the maidenhair tree. |
giusto | adjective (a.) In just, correct, or suitable time. |
glissando | noun (n. & a.) A gliding effect; gliding. |
glorioso | noun (n.) A boaster. |
gombo | noun (n.) See Gumbo. |
gooroo | noun (n.) Alt. of Guru |
goracco | noun (n.) A paste prepared from tobacco, and smoked in hookahs in Western India. |
gradino | noun (n.) A step or raised shelf, as above a sideboard or altar. Cf. Superaltar, and Gradin. |
granado | noun (n.) See Grenade. |
grego | noun (n.) A short jacket or cloak, made of very thick, coarse cloth, with a hood attached, worn by the Greeks and others in the Levant. |
grenadillo | noun (n.) A handsome tropical American wood, much used for making flutes and other wind instruments; -- called also Grenada cocos, or cocus, and red ebony. |
grenado | noun (n.) Same as Grenade. |
griego | noun (n.) See Greggoe. |
grotto | noun (n.) A natural covered opening in the earth; a cave; also, an artificial recess, cave, or cavernlike apartment. |
guacharo | noun (n.) A nocturnal bird of South America and Trinidad (Steatornis Caripensis, or S. steatornis); -- called also oilbird. |
guacho | noun (n.) One of the mixed-blood (Spanish-Indian) inhabitants of the pampas of South America; a mestizo. |
noun (n.) An Indian who serves as a messenger. |
guaco | noun (n.) A plant (Aristolochia anguicida) of Carthagena, used as an antidote to serpent bites. |
noun (n.) The Mikania Guaco, of Brazil, used for the same purpose. |
guanaco | noun (n.) A South American mammal (Auchenia huanaco), allied to the llama, but of larger size and more graceful form, inhabiting the southern Andes and Patagonia. It is supposed by some to be the llama in a wild state. |
guano | noun (n.) A substance found in great abundance on some coasts or islands frequented by sea fowls, and composed chiefly of their excrement. It is rich in phosphates and ammonia, and is used as a powerful fertilizer. |
gumbo | noun (n.) A soup thickened with the mucilaginous pods of the okra; okra soup. |
noun (n.) The okra plant or its pods. |
gusto | noun (n.) Nice or keen appreciation or enjoyment; relish; taste; fancy. |
gesso | noun (n.) Plaster of Paris, or gypsum, esp. as prepared for use in painting, or in making bas-reliefs and the like; by extension, a plasterlike or pasty material spread upon a surface to fit it for painting or gilding, or a surface so prepared. |
noun (n.) A work of art done in gesso. |
gibaro | noun (n.) The offspring of a Spaniard and an Indian; a Spanish-Indian mestizo. |
gitano | noun (n. masc.) A Spanish gypsy. |
graffito | noun (n.) Production of decorative designs by scratching them through a surface of layer plaster, glazing, etc., revealing a different-colored ground; also, pottery or ware so decorated; -- chiefly used attributively. |
gringo | noun (n.) Among Spanish Americans, a foreigner, esp. an Englishman or American; -- often used as a term of reproach. |