First name GEOL's origin is English. GEOL means "born at christmas". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with GEOL below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of geol.(Brown names are of the same origin (English) with GEOL and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)
First Names Rhyming GEOL
NAMES RHYMING WITH GEOL (According to last letters):
Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (eol) - Names That Ends with eol:
Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (ol) - Names That Ends with ol:
rasool vanderpool pol anatol aberthol carol karol marisol driscol macnicol niyol sol batool yigol carrol bartol bardol gol atol deogol fugol eshkol imanol nicol errol nicholNAMES RHYMING WITH GEOL (According to first letters):
Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (geo) - Names That Begins with geo:
geoff geoffrey geomar geor georg george georges georgeta georgetta georgette georgia georgiana georgine georgitteRhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ge) - Names That Begins with ge:
gear gearald gearoid geary geb gebre gechina gedaliah gedaly gedalya gedalyahu gedeon geedar geela geffrey gehard gelasia gelasius gelban geldersman gelsomina geltruda gemma genara genaya gene generosa generosb genesis genessa geneva geneve genevie genevieve genevra genevre genevyeve genisa genisia genisis genivee genna genny geno genoveva genowefa gentza ger geraghty geraint gerald geraldina geraldine geraldo geralt geralyn geralynn geranium gerard gerardo gerd gerda gerde gerdie gere geremia gergo gerhard gerhardina gerhardine geri gerica gericka gerika gerlach germai germain germaine german germana germano germian gerold geron geronimo gerraldNAMES BOTH FIRST AND LAST LETTERS RHYMING WITH GEOL:
First Names which starts with 'g' and ends with 'l':
gabal gabirel gabriel gabriell gadiel gael gail gal galal galeel gall gamal gamaliel gameel garnell gavriel gerrell ghazal gil gilal gill giorsal gokul goneril gorvenal gouveniail gouvernail grendel gretal gretel grizel guljul gunnel gustel gwawl gweflEnglish Words Rhyming GEOL
flageolet | noun (n.) A small wooden pipe, having six or more holes, and a mouthpiece inserted at one end. It produces a shrill sound, softer than of the piccolo flute, and is said to have superseded the old recorder. |
geolatry | noun (n.) The worship of the earth. |
geologer | noun (n.) Alt. of Geologian |
geologian | noun (n.) A geologist. |
geologic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Geological |
geological | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to geology, or the science of the earth. |
geologist | noun (n.) One versed in the science of geology. |
geologizing | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Geologize |
geology | noun (n.) The science which treats: (a) Of the structure and mineral constitution of the globe; structural geology. (b) Of its history as regards rocks, minerals, rivers, valleys, mountains, climates, life, etc.; historical geology. (c) Of the causes and methods by which its structure, features, changes, and conditions have been produced; dynamical geology. See Chart of The Geological Series. |
noun (n.) A treatise on the science. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH GEOL (According to last letters):
Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (eol) - English Words That Ends with eol:
borneol | noun (n.) A rare variety of camphor, C10H17.OH, resembling ordinary camphor, from which it can be produced by reduction. It is said to occur in the camphor tree of Borneo and Sumatra (Dryobalanops camphora), but the natural borneol is rarely found in European or American commerce, being in great request by the Chinese. Called also Borneo camphor, Malay camphor, and camphol. |
sheol | noun (n.) The place of departed spirits; Hades; also, the grave. |
ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH GEOL (According to first letters):
Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (geo) - Words That Begins with geo:
geocentric | adjective (a.) Alt. of Geocentrical |
adjective (a.) Alt. of Geocentrical |
geocentrical | adjective (a.) Having reference to the earth as center; in relation to or seen from the earth, -- usually opposed to heliocentric, as seen from the sun; as, the geocentric longitude or latitude of a planet. |
adjective (a.) Having reference to the center of the earth. | |
adjective (a.) Having, considering, or based on, the earth as center; as, the geocentric theory of the universe. |
geocronite | noun (n.) A lead-gray or grayish blue mineral with a metallic luster, consisting of sulphur, antimony, and lead, with a small proportion of arsenic. |
geocyclic | adjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or illustrating, the revolutions of the earth; as, a geocyclic machine. |
adjective (a.) Circling the earth periodically. |
geode | noun (n.) A nodule of stone, containing a cavity, lined with crystals or mineral matter. |
noun (n.) The cavity in such a nodule. |
geodephagous | adjective (a.) Living in the earth; -- applied to the ground beetles. |
geodesic | noun (n.) A geodetic line or curve. |
adjective (a.) Alt. of Geodesical |
geodesical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to geodesy; geodetic. |
geodesist | noun (n.) One versed in geodesy. |
geodesy | noun (n.) That branch of applied mathematics which determines, by means of observations and measurements, the figures and areas of large portions of the earth's surface, or the general figure and dimenshions of the earth; or that branch of surveying in which the curvature of the earth is taken into account, as in the surveys of States, or of long lines of coast. |
geodetic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Geodetical |
geodetical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to geodesy; obtained or determined by the operations of geodesy; engaged in geodesy; geodesic; as, geodetic surveying; geodetic observers. |
geodetics | noun (n.) Same as Geodesy. |
geodiferous | adjective (a.) Producing geodes; containing geodes. |
geoduck | noun (n.) A gigantic clam (Glycimeris generosa) of the Pacific coast of North America, highly valued as an article of food. |
geognosis | noun (n.) Knowledge of the earth. |
geognost | noun (n.) One versed in geognosy; a geologist. |
geognostic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Geognostical |
geognostical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to geognosy, or to a knowledge of the structure of the earth; geological. |
geognosy | noun (n.) That part of geology which treats of the materials of the earth's structure, and its general exterior and interior constitution. |
geogonic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Geogonical |
geogonical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to geogony, or to the formation of the earth. |
geogony | noun (n.) The branch of science which treats of the formation of the earth. |
geographer | noun (n.) One versed in geography. |
geographic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Geographical |
geographical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to geography. |
geography | noun (n.) The science which treats of the world and its inhabitants; a description of the earth, or a portion of the earth, including its structure, fetures, products, political divisions, and the people by whom it is inhabited. |
noun (n.) A treatise on this science. |
geomalism | noun (n.) The tendency of an organism to respond, during its growth, to the force of gravitation. |
geomancer | noun (n.) One who practices, or is versed in, geomancy. |
geomancy | noun (n.) A kind of divination by means of figures or lines, formed by little dots or points, originally on the earth, and latterly on paper. |
geomantic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Geomantical |
geomantical | adjective (a.) Pertaining or belonging to geomancy. |
geometer | noun (n.) One skilled in geometry; a geometrician; a mathematician. |
noun (n.) Any species of geometrid moth; a geometrid. |
geometral | adjective (a.) Pertaining to geometry. |
geometric | adjective (a.) Alt. of Geometrical |
geometrical | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or according to the rules or principles of, geometry; determined by geometry; as, a geometrical solution of a problem. |
geometrician | noun (n.) One skilled in geometry; a geometer; a mathematician. |
geometrid | noun (n.) One of numerous genera and species of moths, of the family Geometridae; -- so called because their larvae (called loopers, measuring worms, spanworms, and inchworms) creep in a looping manner, as if measuring. Many of the species are injurious to agriculture, as the cankerworms. |
adjective (a.) Pertaining or belonging to the Geometridae. |
geometrizing | noun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Geometrize |
geometry | noun (n.) That branch of mathematics which investigates the relations, properties, and measurement of solids, surfaces, lines, and angles; the science which treats of the properties and relations of magnitudes; the science of the relations of space. |
noun (n.) A treatise on this science. |
geophagism | noun (n.) The act or habit of eating earth. See Dirt eating, under Dirt. |
geophagist | noun (n.) One who eats earth, as dirt, clay, chalk, etc. |
geophagous | adjective (a.) Earth-eating. |
geophila | noun (n. pl.) The division of Mollusca which includes the land snails and slugs. |
geoponic | adjective (a.) Alt. of Geoponical |
geoponical | adjective (a.) Pertaining to tillage of the earth, or agriculture. |
geoponics | noun (n.) The art or science of cultivating the earth; agriculture. |
georama | noun (n.) A hollow globe on the inner surface of which a map of the world is depicted, to be examined by one standing inside. |
geordie | noun (n.) A name given by miners to George Stephenson's safety lamp. |
george | noun (n.) A figure of St. George (the patron saint of England) on horseback, appended to the collar of the Order of the Garter. See Garter. |
noun (n.) A kind of brown loaf. |
English Words which starts with 'g' and ends with 'l':
gabel | noun (n.) A rent, service, tribute, custom, tax, impost, or duty; an excise. |
gadwall | noun (n.) A large duck (Anas strepera), valued as a game bird, found in the northern parts of Europe and America; -- called also gray duck. |
gael | noun (n.sing. & pl.) A Celt or the Celts of the Scotch Highlands or of Ireland; now esp., a Scotch Highlander of Celtic origin. |
gainful | adjective (a.) Profitable; advantageous; lucrative. |
gairfowl | noun (n.) See Garefowl. |
galangal | noun (n.) The pungent aromatic rhizome or tuber of certain East Indian or Chinese species of Alpinia (A. Galanga and A. officinarum) and of the Kaempferia Galanga), -- all of the Ginger family. |
galenical | noun (an.) Relating to Galen or to his principles and method of treating diseases. |
adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or containing, galena. |
gall | noun (n.) The bitter, alkaline, viscid fluid found in the gall bladder, beneath the liver. It consists of the secretion of the liver, or bile, mixed with that of the mucous membrane of the gall bladder. |
noun (n.) The gall bladder. | |
noun (n.) Anything extremely bitter; bitterness; rancor. | |
noun (n.) Impudence; brazen assurance. | |
noun (n.) An excrescence of any form produced on any part of a plant by insects or their larvae. They are most commonly caused by small Hymenoptera and Diptera which puncture the bark and lay their eggs in the wounds. The larvae live within the galls. Some galls are due to aphids, mites, etc. See Gallnut. | |
noun (n.) A wound in the skin made by rubbing. | |
verb (v. t.) To impregnate with a decoction of gallnuts. | |
verb (v. t.) To fret and wear away by friction; to hurt or break the skin of by rubbing; to chafe; to injure the surface of by attrition; as, a saddle galls the back of a horse; to gall a mast or a cable. | |
verb (v. t.) To fret; to vex; as, to be galled by sarcasm. | |
verb (v. t.) To injure; to harass; to annoy; as, the troops were galled by the shot of the enemy. | |
verb (v. i.) To scoff; to jeer. |
gambol | noun (n.) A skipping or leaping about in frolic; a hop; a sportive prank. |
verb (v. i.) To dance and skip about in sport; to frisk; to skip; to play in frolic, like boys or lambs. |
gambrel | noun (n.) The hind leg of a horse. |
noun (n.) A stick crooked like a horse's hind leg; -- used by butchers in suspending slaughtered animals. | |
verb (v. t.) To truss or hang up by means of a gambrel. |
gameful | adjective (a.) Full of game or games. |
ganglial | adjective (a.) Relating to a ganglion; ganglionic. |
ganil | noun (n.) A kind of brittle limestone. |
ganoidal | adjective (a.) Ganoid. |
gaol | noun (n.) A place of confinement, especially for minor offenses or provisional imprisonment; a jail. |
garbel | noun (n.) Same as Garboard. |
verb (v. t.) Anything sifted, or from which the coarse parts have been taken. |
garboil | noun (n.) Tumult; disturbance; disorder. |
garefowl | noun (n.) The great auk; also, the razorbill. See Auk. |
gargil | noun (n.) A distemper in geese, affecting the head. |
gargol | noun (n.) A distemper in swine; garget. |
gashful | adjective (a.) Full of gashes; hideous; frightful. |
gasometrical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the measurement of gases; as, gasometric analysis. |
gastful | adjective (a.) Alt. of Gastly |
gastroduodenal | adjective (a.) Pertaining to the stomach and duodenum; as, the gastroduodenal artery. |
gastrointestinal | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the stomach and intestines; gastroenteric. |
gastronomical | adjective (a.) Pertaining to gastromony. |
gaudful | adjective (a.) Joyful; showy. |
gaul | noun (n.) The Anglicized form of Gallia, which in the time of the Romans included France and Upper Italy (Transalpine and Cisalpine Gaul). |
noun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Gaul. |
gavel | noun (n.) A gable. |
noun (n.) A small heap of grain, not tied up into a bundle. | |
noun (n.) The mallet of the presiding officer in a legislative body, public assembly, court, masonic body, etc. | |
noun (n.) A mason's setting maul. | |
noun (n.) Tribute; toll; custom. [Obs.] See Gabel. |
gavial | noun (n.) A large Asiatic crocodilian (Gavialis Gangeticus); -- called also nako, and Gangetic crocodile. |
gayal | noun (n.) A Southern Asiatic species of wild cattle (Bibos frontalis). |
gazeful | adjective (a.) Gazing. |
gazel | noun (n.) The black currant; also, the wild plum. |
noun (n.) See Gazelle. |
geanticlinal | noun (n.) An upward bend or flexure of a considerable portion of the earth's crust, resulting in the formation of a class of mountain elevations called anticlinoria; -- opposed to geosynclinal. |
gemel | noun (n.) One of the twins. |
noun (n.) One of the barrulets placed parallel and closed to each other. Cf. Bars gemel, under Gemel, a. | |
adjective (a.) Coupled; paired. |
geminal | adjective (a.) A pair. |
gemul | noun (n.) A small South American deer (Furcifer Chilensis), with simple forked horns. |
genealogical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to genealogy; as, a genealogical table; genealogical order. |
general | adjective (a.) Relating to a genus or kind; pertaining to a whole class or order; as, a general law of animal or vegetable economy. |
adjective (a.) Comprehending many species or individuals; not special or particular; including all particulars; as, a general inference or conclusion. | |
adjective (a.) Not restrained or limited to a precise import; not specific; vague; indefinite; lax in signification; as, a loose and general expression. | |
adjective (a.) Common to many, or the greatest number; widely spread; prevalent; extensive, though not universal; as, a general opinion; a general custom. | |
adjective (a.) Having a relation to all; common to the whole; as, Adam, our general sire. | |
adjective (a.) As a whole; in gross; for the most part. | |
adjective (a.) Usual; common, on most occasions; as, his general habit or method. | |
adjective (a.) The whole; the total; that which comprehends or relates to all, or the chief part; -- opposed to particular. | |
adjective (a.) One of the chief military officers of a government or country; the commander of an army, of a body of men not less than a brigade. In European armies, the highest military rank next below field marshal. | |
adjective (a.) The roll of the drum which calls the troops together; as, to beat the general. | |
adjective (a.) The chief of an order of monks, or of all the houses or congregations under the same rule. | |
adjective (a.) The public; the people; the vulgar. |
generical | adjective (a.) Pertaining to a genus or kind; relating to a genus, as distinct from a species, or from another genus; as, a generic description; a generic difference; a generic name. |
adjective (a.) Very comprehensive; pertaining or appropriate to large classes or their characteristics; -- opposed to specific. |
genesial | adjective (a.) Of or relating to generation. |
genethliacal | adjective (a.) Genethliac. |
genetical | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, concerned with, or determined by, the genesis of anything, or its natural mode of production or development. |
genial | adjective (a.) Same as Genian. |
adjective (a.) Contributing to, or concerned in, propagation or production; generative; procreative; productive. | |
adjective (a.) Contributing to, and sympathizing with, the enjoyment of life; sympathetically cheerful and cheering; jovial and inspiring joy or happiness; exciting pleasure and sympathy; enlivening; kindly; as, she was of a cheerful and genial disposition. | |
adjective (a.) Belonging to one's genius or natural character; native; natural; inborn. | |
adjective (a.) Denoting or marked with genius; belonging to the higher nature. |
genital | adjective (a.) Pertaining to generation, or to the generative organs. |
genitival | adjective (a.) Possessing genitive from; pertaining to, or derived from, the genitive case; as, a genitival adverb. |
genitocrural | adjective (a.) Pertaining to the genital organs and the thigh; -- applied especially to one of the lumbar nerves. |
genteel | adjective (a.) Possessing or exhibiting the qualities popularly regarded as belonging to high birth and breeding; free from vulgarity, or lowness of taste or behavior; adapted to a refined or cultivated taste; polite; well-bred; as, genteel company, manners, address. |
adjective (a.) Graceful in mien or form; elegant in appearance, dress, or manner; as, the lady has a genteel person. Law. | |
adjective (a.) Suited to the position of lady or a gentleman; as, to live in a genteel allowance. |
gentil | noun (a. & n.) Gentle. |
gentilitial | adjective (a.) Alt. of Gentilitious |
georgical | adjective (a.) Relating to agriculture and rural affairs. |
geosynclinal | noun (n.) the downward bend or subsidence of the earth's crust, which allows of the gradual accumulation of sediment, and hence forms the first step in the making of a mountain range; -- opposed to geanticlinal. |
gerbil | noun (n.) Alt. of Gerbille |
gerful | adjective (a.) Changeable; capricious. |
germicidal | adjective (a.) Germicide. |
germinal | noun (n.) The seventh month of the French republican calendar [1792 -- 1806]. It began March 21 and ended April 19. See VendEmiaire. |
adjective (a.) Pertaining or belonging to a germ; as, the germinal vesicle. | |
adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the germ, or germ cells, as distinguished from the somatic cells. |
gerocomical | adjective (a.) Pertaining to gerocomy. |
gerundial | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, a gerund; as, a gerundial use. |
gestural | adjective (a.) Relating to gesture. |
ghastful | adjective (a.) Fit to make one aghast; dismal. |
ghoul | noun (n.) An imaginary evil being among Eastern nations, which was supposed to feed upon human bodies. |
ghyll | noun (n.) A ravine. See Gill a woody glen. |
gibel | noun (n.) A kind of carp (Cyprinus gibelio); -- called also Prussian carp. |
gigantical | adjective (a.) Bulky, big. |
gill | noun (n.) An organ for aquatic respiration; a branchia. |
noun (n.) The radiating, gill-shaped plates forming the under surface of a mushroom. | |
noun (n.) The fleshy flap that hangs below the beak of a fowl; a wattle. | |
noun (n.) The flesh under or about the chin. | |
noun (n.) One of the combs of closely ranged steel pins which divide the ribbons of flax fiber or wool into fewer parallel filaments. | |
noun (n.) A two-wheeled frame for transporting timber. | |
noun (n.) A leech. | |
noun (n.) A woody glen; a narrow valley containing a stream. | |
noun (n.) A measure of capacity, containing one fourth of a pint. | |
noun (n.) A young woman; a sweetheart; a flirting or wanton girl. | |
noun (n.) The ground ivy (Nepeta Glechoma); -- called also gill over the ground, and other like names. | |
noun (n.) Malt liquor medicated with ground ivy. |
gilttail | noun (n.) A yellow-tailed worm or larva. |
gimbal | noun (n.) Alt. of Gimbals |
gimmal | noun (n.) Joined work whose parts move within each other; a pair or series of interlocked rings. |
noun (n.) A quaint piece of machinery; a gimmer. |
gommal | adjective (a.) Made or consisting of interlocked ring/ or links; as, gimmal mail. |
gingal | noun (n.) See Jingal. |
gingival | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the gums. |
ginglymoidal | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, a ginglymus, or hinge joint; ginglyform. |
girasole girasol | noun (n.) See Heliotrope. |
noun (n.) A variety of opal which is usually milk white, bluish white, or sky blue; but in a bright light it reflects a reddish color. |
girl | noun (n.) A young person of either sex; a child. |
noun (n.) A female child, from birth to the age of puberty; a young maiden. | |
noun (n.) A female servant; a maidservant. | |
noun (n.) A roebuck two years old. |
glacial | adjective (a.) Pertaining to ice or to its action; consisting of ice; frozen; icy; esp., pertaining to glaciers; as, glacial phenomena. |
adjective (a.) Resembling ice; having the appearance and consistency of ice; -- said of certain solid compounds; as, glacial phosphoric or acetic acids. |
gladful | adjective (a.) Full of gladness; joyful; glad. |
gladiatorial | adjective (a.) Alt. of Gladiatorian |
glassful | noun (n.) The contents of a glass; as much of anything as a glass will hold. |
adjective (a.) Glassy; shining like glass. |
gleeful | adjective (a.) Merry; gay; joyous. |
glenoidal | adjective (a.) Glenoid. |
glossal | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the tongue; lingual. |
glossarial | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to glosses or to a glossary; containing a glossary. |
glossographical | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to glossography. |
glossohyal | adjective (a.) Pertaining to both the hyoidean arch and the tongue; -- applied to the anterior segment of the hyoidean arch in many fishes. -- n. The glossohyal bone or cartilage; lingual bone; entoglossal bone. |
glossological | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to glossology. |
glossopharyngeal | adjective (a.) Pertaining to both the tongue and the pharynx; -- applied especially to the ninth pair of cranial nerves, which are distributed to the pharynx and tongue. -- n. One of the glossopharyngeal nerves. |
glottal | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to, or produced by, the glottis; glottic. |
glottological | adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to glottology. |
glumal | adjective (a.) Characterized by a glume, or having the nature of a glume. |
gluteal | adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or in the region of, the glutaeus. |
glycerol | noun (n.) Same as Glycerin. |
glyceryl | noun (n.) A compound radical, C3H5, regarded as the essential radical of glycerin. It is metameric with allyl. Called also propenyl. |
glycocoll | noun (n.) A crystalline, nitrogenous substance, with a sweet taste, formed from hippuric acid by boiling with hydrochloric acid, and present in bile united with cholic acid. It is also formed from gelatin by decomposition with acids. Chemically, it is amido-acetic acid. Called also glycin, and glycocin. |
glycol | noun (n.) A thick, colorless liquid, C2H4(OH)2, of a sweetish taste, produced artificially from certain ethylene compounds. It is a diacid alcohol, intermediate between ordinary ethyl alcohol and glycerin. |
noun (n.) Any one of the large class of diacid alcohols, of which glycol proper is the type. |
glycoluril | noun (n.) A white, crystalline, nitrogenous substance, obtained by the reduction of allantoin. |
glycolyl | noun (n.) A divalent, compound radical, CO.CH2, regarded as the essential radical of glycolic acid, and a large series of related compounds. |
glyoxal | noun (n.) A white, amorphous, deliquescent powder, (CO.H)2, obtained by the partial oxidation of glycol. It is a double aldehyde, between glycol and oxalic acid. |
gnarl | noun (n.) a knot in wood; a large or hard knot, or a protuberance with twisted grain, on a tree. |
verb (v. i.) To growl; to snarl. |
gnathonical | adjective (a.) Flattering; deceitful. |
gnomical | adjective (a.) Sententious; uttering or containing maxims, or striking detached thoughts; aphoristic. |
adjective (a.) Gnomonical. |