Name Report For First Name JERVIS:


First name JERVIS's origin is English. JERVIS means "variant of the french name gervaise spearman". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with JERVIS below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of jervis.(Brown names are of the same origin (English) with JERVIS and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with JERVIS - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming JERVIS



NAMES RHYMING WITH JERVÝS (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (ervis) - Names That Ends with ervis:

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (rvis) - Names That Ends with rvis:

arvis jarvis

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (vis) - Names That Ends with vis:

mavis alvis clovis elvis kevis tavis tevis travis bevis davis avis

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (is) - Names That Ends with is:

garmangabis sulis bilqis lamis isis lapis memphis theoris thermuthis aldis flordelis aigneis beitris leitis alcestis aleris amaryllis artemis briseis chloris chryseis clematis coronis cypris doris eldoris eris eudosis iris lachesis lais lilis lycoris lyris metis nemesis persis symaethis thais themis thetis jyotis hausis nokomis busiris damis dassais eblis yunis anis idris rais avedis alis bleoberis maris naois felis kramoris joris amenophis anubis apis apophis onuris osiris serapis willis alois acis adonis aegis attis baucis calais charybdis cleobis daphnis halithersis iphis mimis panagiotis takis thamyris tigris vasilis yannis

NAMES RHYMING WITH JERVÝS (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (jervi) - Names That Begins with jervi:

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (jerv) - Names That Begins with jerv:

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (jer) - Names That Begins with jer:

jerad jerah jeraldine jeraldo jeralyn jeramiah jeramie jeramy jeran jerande jerard jerardo jerean jered jerek jerel jerelyn jerem jeremee jeremi jeremiah jeremias jeremie jeremy jeremyah jeren jerett jeriah jerianne jeric jericho jerick jerico jeriel jerilyn jerilynn jermain jermaine jermane jermayne jerod jeroenr jerold jerome jeronimo jerrad jerrah jerrald jerrall jerred jerrel jerrell jerren jerrett jerric jerrick jerrico jerriel jerrilyn jerrin jerrod jerrold jerron jerry jerryl jerusha jeryl jerzie

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (je) - Names That Begins with je:

jean jeana jeanae jeanay jeane jeanee jeanelle jeanetta jeanette jeanice jeanie jeanina jeanine jeanna jeanne jeannell jeannelle jeannette jeannie jeannine jeannot jeb jed jedadiah jedaiah jedd jedediah jedi jediah jedidiah jeena jeevan


First Names which starts with 'je' and ends with 'is':

jenasis jenesis jennis

First Names which starts with 'j' and ends with 's':

jacques jairus jamarcus james janais janis jannes jannis janos jans jantis janus jaques jaymes jenalyss jens jess jesus johannes jonas josephus josias joss judas jules julis julius justis

English Words Rhyming JERVIS


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH JERVÝS (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (ervis) - English Words That Ends with ervis:

dervisnoun (n.) A Turkish or Persian monk, especially one who professes extreme poverty and leads an austere life.

pervisnoun (n.) See Parvis.

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (rvis) - English Words That Ends with rvis:

parvisnoun (n.) Alt. of Parvise

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (vis) - English Words That Ends with vis:

avisnoun (n.) Advice; opinion; deliberation.

amvisnoun (n.) An explosive consisting of ammonium nitrate, a derivative of nitrobenzene, chlorated napthalene, and wood meal.

clavisnoun (n.) A key; a glossary.

clevisnoun (n.) A piece of metal bent in the form of an oxbow, with the two ends perforated to receive a pin, used on the end of the tongue of a plow, wagen, etc., to attach it to a draft chain, whiffletree, etc.; -- called also clavel, clevy.

crevisnoun (n.) The crawfish.

cerevisnoun (n.) A small visorless cap, worn by members of German student corps. It is made in the corps colors, and usually bears the insignia of the corps.

mavisnoun (n.) The European throstle or song thrush (Turdus musicus).

pelvisnoun (n.) The pelvic arch, or the pelvic arch together with the sacrum. See Pelvic arch, under Pelvic, and Sacrum.
 noun (n.) The calyx of a crinoid.

pontlevisnoun (n.) The action of a horse in rearing repeatedly and dangerously.

pouldavisnoun (n.) Same as Poledavy.

visnoun (n.) Force; power.
 noun (n.) Physical force.
 noun (n.) Moral power.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH JERVÝS (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (jervi) - Words That Begins with jervi:

jervinenoun (n.) A poisonous alkaloid resembling veratrine, and found with it in white hellebore (Veratrum album); -- called also jervina.

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (jerv) - Words That Begins with jerv:

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (jer) - Words That Begins with jer:

jerboanoun (n.) Any small jumping rodent of the genus Dipus, esp. D. Aegyptius, which is common in Egypt and the adjacent countries. The jerboas have very long hind legs and a long tail.

jereednoun (n.) A blunt javelin used by the people of the Levant, especially in mock fights.

jeremiadnoun (n.) Alt. of Jeremiade

jeremiadenoun (n.) A tale of sorrow, disappointment, or complaint; a doleful story; a dolorous tirade; -- generally used satirically.

jerfalconnoun (n.) The gyrfalcon.

jerguernoun (n.) See Jerquer.

jeridnoun (n.) Same as Jereed.

jerkingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Jerk
 noun (n.) The act of pulling, pushing, or throwing, with a jerk.

jerknoun (n.) A short, sudden pull, thrust, push, twitch, jolt, shake, or similar motion.
 noun (n.) A sudden start or spring.
 verb (v. t.) To cut into long slices or strips and dry in the sun; as, jerk beef. See Charqui.
 verb (v. t.) To beat; to strike.
 verb (v. t.) To give a quick and suddenly arrested thrust, push, pull, or twist, to; to yerk; as, to jerk one with the elbow; to jerk a coat off.
 verb (v. t.) To throw with a quick and suddenly arrested motion of the hand; as, to jerk a stone.
 verb (v. i.) To make a sudden motion; to move with a start, or by starts.
 verb (v. i.) To flout with contempt.

jerkernoun (n.) A beater.
 noun (n.) One who jerks or moves with a jerk.
 noun (n.) A North American river chub (Hybopsis biguttatus).

jerkinnoun (n.) A jacket or short coat; a close waistcoat.
 noun (n.) A male gyrfalcon.

jerkinheadnoun (n.) The hipped part of a roof which is hipped only for a part of its height, leaving a truncated gable.

jerkyadjective (a.) Moving by jerks and starts; characterized by abrupt transitions; as, a jerky vehicle; a jerky style.

jermoonalnoun (n.) The Himalayan now partridge.

jeronymitenoun (n.) One belonging of the mediaeval religious orders called Hermits of St. Jerome.

jeropigianoun (n.) See Geropigia.

jerquernoun (n.) A customhouse officer who searches ships for unentered goods.

jerquingnoun (n.) The searching of a ship for unentered goods.
 noun (n.) The searching of a ship for unentered goods.

jerseynoun (n.) The finest of wool separated from the rest; combed wool; also, fine yarn of wool.
 noun (n.) A kind of knitted jacket; hence, in general, a closefitting jacket or upper garment made of an elastic fabric (as stockinet).
 noun (n.) One of a breed of cattle in the Island of Jersey. Jerseys are noted for the richness of their milk.

jerusalemnoun (n.) The chief city of Palestine, intimately associated with the glory of the Jewish nation, and the life and death of Jesus Christ.

jerryadjective (a.) Flimsy; jerry-built.


English Words which starts with 'je' and ends with 'is':